[role="xpack"] [testenv="platinum"] [[sql-client-apps]] == SQL Client Applications Thanks to its <> and <> interfaces, a broad range of third-party applications can use {es-sql} capabilities. This section lists, in alphabetical order, a number of them and their respective configuration - the list however is by no means comprehensive (feel free to https://www.elastic.co/blog/art-of-pull-request[submit a PR] to improve it): as long as the app can use the {es-sql} driver, it can use {es-sql}. * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> IMPORTANT: Elastic does not endorse, promote or provide support for any of the applications listed. For native {es} integration in these products, please reach out to their respective vendor. NOTE: Each application has its own requirements and license these are outside the scope of this documentation which covers only the configuration aspect with {es-sql}. WARNING: The support for applications implementing the ODBC 2.x standard and prior is currently limited. include::dbeaver.asciidoc[] include::dbvis.asciidoc[] include::excel.asciidoc[] include::powerbi.asciidoc[] include::ps1.asciidoc[] include::microstrat.asciidoc[] include::qlik.asciidoc[] include::squirrel.asciidoc[] include::tableau.asciidoc[] include::workbench.asciidoc[]