[[cat-nodes]] == Nodes The `nodes` command shows the cluster topology. [source,shell] -------------------------------------------------- % curl SP4H 4727 9300 1.0.0.Beta2 1.6.0_27 72.1gb 35.4 93.9mb 79 239.1mb 0.45 3.4h d m Boneyard _uhJ 5134 9300 1.0.0.Beta2 1.6.0_27 72.1gb 33.3 93.9mb 85 239.1mb 0.06 3.4h d * Athena HfDp 4562 9300 1.0.0.Beta2 1.6.0_27 72.2gb 74.5 93.9mb 83 239.1mb 0.12 3.4h d m Zarek -------------------------------------------------- The first few columns tell you where your nodes live. For sanity it also tells you what version of ES and the JVM each one runs. [source,shell] -------------------------------------------------- nodeId pid ip port es jdk u2PZ 4234 9300 1.0.0.Beta1 1.6.0_27 URzf 5443 9300 1.0.0.Beta1 1.6.0_27 ActN 3806 9300 1.0.0.Beta1 1.6.0_27 -------------------------------------------------- The next few give a picture of your heap, memory, and load. [source,shell] -------------------------------------------------- diskAvail heapPercent heapMax ramPercent ramMax load 72.1gb 31.3 93.9mb 81 239.1mb 0.24 72.1gb 19.6 93.9mb 82 239.1mb 0.05 72.2gb 64.9 93.9mb 84 239.1mb 0.12 -------------------------------------------------- The last columns provide ancillary information that can often be useful when looking at the cluster as a whole, particularly large ones. How many master-eligible nodes do I have? How many client nodes? It looks like someone restarted a node recently; which one was it? [source,shell] -------------------------------------------------- uptime data/client master name 3.5h d m Boneyard 3.5h d * Athena 3.5h d m Zarek --------------------------------------------------