[[modules-scripting-using]] === How to use scripts Wherever scripting is supported in the Elasticsearch API, the syntax follows the same pattern: [source,js] ------------------------------------- "script": { "lang": "...", <1> "inline" | "id" | "file": "...", <2> "params": { ... } <3> } ------------------------------------- <1> The language the script is written in, which defaults to `groovy`. <2> The script itself which may be specfied as `inline`, `id`, or `file`. <3> Any named parameters that should be passed into the script. For example, the following script is used in a search request to return a <>: [source,js] ------------------------------------- PUT my_index/my_type/1 { "my_field": 5 } GET my_index/_search { "script_fields": { "my_doubled_field": { "script": { "lang": "expression", "inline": "doc['my_field'] * multiplier", "params": { "multiplier": 2 } } } } } ------------------------------------- // AUTOSENSE [float] === Script Parameters `lang`:: Specifies the language the script is written in. Defaults to `groovy` but may be set to any of languages listed in <>. The default language may be changed in the `elasticsearch.yml` config file by setting `script.default_lang` to the appropriate language. `inline`, `id`, `file`:: Specifies the source of the script. An `inline` script is specified `inline` as in the example above, a stored script with the specified `id` is retrieved from the cluster state (see <>), and a `file` script is retrieved from a file in the `config/scripts` directory (see <>). + While languages like `expression` and `painless` can be used out of the box as inline or stored scripts, other languages like `groovy` can only be specified as `file` unless you first adjust the default <>. `params`:: Specifies any named parameters that are passed into the script as variables. [IMPORTANT] .Prefer parameters ======================================== The first time Elasticsearch sees a new script, it compiles it and stores the compiled version in a cache. Compilation can be a heavy process. If you need to pass variables into the script, you should pass them in as named `params` instead of hard-coding values into the script itself. For example, if you want to be able to multiply a field value by different multipliers, don't hard-code the multiplier into the script: [source,js] ---------------------- "inline": "doc['my_field'] * 2" ---------------------- Instead, pass it in as a named parameter: [source,js] ---------------------- "inline": "doc['my_field'] * multiplier", "params": { "multiplier": 2 } ---------------------- The first version has to be recompiled every time the multiplier changes. The second version is only compiled once. ======================================== [float] [[modules-scripting-file-scripts]] === File-based Scripts To increase security, non-sandboxed languages can only be specified in script files stored on every node in the cluster. File scripts must be saved in the `scripts` directory whose default location depends on whether you use the <> (`$ES_HOME/config/scripts/`), <>, or <> package. The default may be changed with the `path.script` setting. Any files placed in the `scripts` directory will be compiled automatically when the node starts up and then <>. The file should be named as follows: `{script-name}.{lang}`. For instance, the following example creates a Groovy script called `calculate-score`: [source,sh] -------------------------------------------------- cat "log(_score * 2) + my_modifier" > config/scripts/calculate-score.groovy -------------------------------------------------- This script can be used as follows: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- GET my_index/_search { "query": { "script": { "script": { "lang": "groovy", <1> "file": "calculate-score", <2> "params": { "my_modifier": 2 } } } } } -------------------------------------------------- <1> The language of the script, which should correspond with the script file suffix. <2> The name of the script, which should be the name of the file. The `script` directory may contain sub-directories, in which case the hierarchy of directories is flattened and concatenated with underscores. A script in `group1/group2/my_script.groovy` should use `group1_group2_myscript` as the `file` name. [[reload-scripts]] [float] ==== Automatic script reloading The `scripts` directory will be rescanned every `60s` (configurable with the `resource.reload.interval` setting) and new, changed, or removed scripts will be compiled, updated, or deleted from the script cache. Script reloading can be completely disabled by setting `script.auto_reload_enabled` to `false`. [float] [[modules-scripting-stored-scripts]] === Stored Scripts Scripts may be stored in and retrieved from the cluster state using the `_scripts` end-point: [source,js] ----------------------------------- /_scripts/{lang}/{id} <1> <2> ----------------------------------- <1> The `lang` represents the script language. <2> The `id` is a unique identifier or script name. This example stores a Groovy script called `calculate-score` in the cluster state: [source,js] ----------------------------------- POST /_scripts/groovy/calculate-score { "script": "log(_score * 2) + my_modifier" } ----------------------------------- // AUTOSENSE This same script can be retrieved with: [source,js] ----------------------------------- GET /_scripts/groovy/calculate-score ----------------------------------- // AUTOSENSE or deleted with: [source,js] ----------------------------------- DELETE /_scripts/groovy/calculate-score ----------------------------------- // AUTOSENSE Stored scripts can be used by specifying the `lang` and `id` parameters as follows: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- GET my_index/_search { "query": { "script": { "script": { "lang": "groovy", "id": "calculate-score", "params": { "my_modifier": 2 } } } } } -------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The size of stored scripts is limited to 65,535 bytes. This can be changed by setting `script.max_size_in_bytes` setting to increase that soft limit, but if scripts are really large then alternatives like <> scripts should be considered instead.