== EQL function reference
Function reference
{es} supports the following EQL functions:
* <>
* <>
* <>
* <>
* <>
=== `between`
Extracts a substring that's between a provided `left` and `right` text in a
source string.
// file.path = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe"
between(file.path, "system32\\\\", ".exe") // returns "cmd"
between(file.path, "workspace\\\\", ".exe") // returns ""
// Greedy matching defaults to false.
between(file.path, "\\\\", "\\\\", false) // returns "Windows"
// Sets greedy matching to true
between(file.path, "\\\\", "\\\\", true) // returns "Windows\\System32"
// Case sensitivity defaults to false.
between(file.path, "system32\\\\", ".exe", false, false) // returns "cmd"
// Sets case sensitivity to true
between(file.path, "system32\\\\", ".exe", false, true) // returns ""
between(file.path, "System32\\\\", ".exe", false, true) // returns "cmd"
// empty source string
between("", "system32\\\\", ".exe") // returns ""
between("", "", "") // returns ""
// null handling
between(null, "system32\\\\", ".exe") // returns null