[[voting-config-exclusions]] === Voting configuration exclusions API ++++ Voting Configuration Exclusions ++++ Adds or removes master-eligible nodes from the <>. [[voting-config-exclusions-api-request]] ==== {api-request-title} `POST _cluster/voting_config_exclusions/` + `DELETE _cluster/voting_config_exclusions` [[voting-config-exclusions-api-desc]] ==== {api-description-title} By default, if there are more than three master-eligible nodes in the cluster and you remove fewer than half of the master-eligible nodes in the cluster at once, the <> automatically shrinks. If you want to shrink the voting configuration to contain fewer than three nodes or to remove half or more of the master-eligible nodes in the cluster at once, you must use this API to remove departed nodes from the voting configuration manually. It adds an entry for that node in the voting configuration exclusions list. The cluster then tries to reconfigure the voting configuration to remove that node and to prevent it from returning. If the API fails, you can safely retry it. Only a successful response guarantees that the node has been removed from the voting configuration and will not be reinstated. NOTE: Voting exclusions are required only when you remove at least half of the master-eligible nodes from a cluster in a short time period. They are not required when removing master-ineligible nodes or fewer than half of the master-eligible nodes. For more information, see <>. [[voting-config-exclusions-api-path-params]] ==== {api-path-parms-title} ``:: A <> that identifies {es} nodes. [[voting-config-exclusions-api-query-params]] ==== {api-query-parms-title} `cluster.auto_shrink_voting_configuration`:: (Optional, boolean) If `false`, you must use this API to maintain the voting configuration. Defaults to `true`. `cluster.max_voting_config_exclusions`:: (Optional, integer) Limits the size of the voting configuration exclusion list. The default value is `10`. Since voting configuration exclusions are persistent and limited in number, you must clear the voting config exclusions list once the exclusions are no longer required. [[voting-config-exclusions-api-example]] ==== {api-examples-title} Add `nodeId1` to the voting configuration exclusions list: [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- POST /_cluster/voting_config_exclusions/nodeId1 -------------------------------------------------- // TEST[catch:bad_request] Remove all exclusions from the list: [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- DELETE /_cluster/voting_config_exclusions --------------------------------------------------