=== Start rollup job API
Start job
This API starts an existing, stopped rollup job. If the job does not exist an exception will be thrown.
Starting an already started job has no action.
==== Request
`POST _rollup/job//_start`
//===== Description
==== Path Parameters
`job_id` (required)::
(string) Identifier for the job
==== Request Body
There is no request body for the Start Job API.
==== Authorization
You must have `manage` or `manage_rollup` cluster privileges to use this API.
For more information, see
{xpack-ref}/security-privileges.html[Security Privileges].
==== Examples
If we have already created a rollup job named `sensor`, it can be started with:
POST _rollup/job/sensor/_start
// TEST[setup:sensor_rollup_job]
Which will return the response:
"started": true
If however we try to start a job which doesn't exist:
POST _rollup/job/does_not_exist/_start
// TEST[catch:missing]
A 404 `resource_not_found` exception will be thrown:
"error" : {
"root_cause" : [
"type" : "resource_not_found_exception",
"reason" : "Task for Rollup Job [does_not_exist] not found",
"stack_trace": ...
"type" : "resource_not_found_exception",
"reason" : "Task for Rollup Job [does_not_exist] not found",
"stack_trace": ...
"status": 404
// TESTRESPONSE[s/"stack_trace": \.\.\./"stack_trace": $body.$_path/]