--- "Basic test": - do: indices.analyze: text: Foo Bar - length: { tokens: 2 } - match: { tokens.0.token: foo } - match: { tokens.1.token: bar } --- "Tokenizer and filter": - do: indices.analyze: filters: lowercase text: Foo Bar tokenizer: keyword - length: { tokens: 1 } - match: { tokens.0.token: foo bar } --- "Index and field": - do: indices.create: index: test body: mappings: test: properties: text: type: string analyzer: whitespace - do: cluster.health: wait_for_status: yellow - do: indices.analyze: field: text index: test text: Foo Bar! - length: { tokens: 2 } - match: { tokens.0.token: Foo } - match: { tokens.1.token: Bar! }