[role="xpack"] [testenv="platinum"] [[sql-client-apps-squirrel]] === SQuirreL SQL You can use the {es} JDBC driver to access {es} data from SQuirreL SQL. IMPORTANT: Elastic does not endorse, promote or provide support for this application; for native Elasticsearch integration in this product, please reach out to its vendor. ==== Prerequisites * http://squirrel-sql.sourceforge.net/[SQuirreL SQL] version 4.0.0 or higher * {es-sql} <<sql-jdbc, JDBC driver>> ==== Add {es} JDBC Driver To add the {es} JDBC driver, use *Windows* > *View Drivers* menu (or Ctrl+Shift+D shortcut): image:images/sql/client-apps/squirell-1-view-drivers.png[] Select *Elasticsearch* profile from the `Drivers` panel on the left-hand side (if it is missing check the SQuirreL SQL version or add a new entry to the list through the `+' button in the upper left corner): image:images/sql/client-apps/squirell-2-select-driver.png[] Select the *Extra Class Path* tab and *Add* the JDBC jar. Name the connection and *List Drivers* to have `Class Name` populated if it is not already filled-in : image:images/sql/client-apps/squirell-3-add-driver.png[] The driver should now appear in the list with a blue check mark next to its name: image:images/sql/client-apps/squirell-4-driver-list.png[] ==== Add an alias for {es} Add a new connection or in SQuirreL terminology an _alias_ using the new driver. To do so, select the *Aliases* panel on the left and click the `+` sign: image:images/sql/client-apps/squirell-5-add-alias.png[] Name the new alias and select the `Elasticsearch` driver previously added: image:images/sql/client-apps/squirell-6-alias-props.png[] The setup is completed. Double check it by clicking on *Test Connection*. ==== Execute SQL queries The connection should open automatically (if it has been created before simply click on *Connect* in the *Alias* panel). SQuirreL SQL can now issue SQL commands to {es}: image:images/sql/client-apps/squirell-7-data.png[]