[role="xpack"] [testenv="platinum"] [[ml-estimate-model-memory]] = Estimate {anomaly-jobs} model memory API ++++ Estimate model memory ++++ Makes an estimation of the memory usage for an {anomaly-job} model. It is based on analysis configuration details for the job and cardinality estimates for the fields it references. [[ml-estimate-model-memory-request]] == {api-request-title} `POST _ml/anomaly_detectors/_estimate_model_memory` [[ml-estimate-model-memory-prereqs]] == {api-prereq-title} If the {es} {security-features} are enabled, you must have the following privileges: * `manage_ml` or cluster: `manage` For more information, see <> and {ml-docs-setup-privileges}. [[ml-estimate-model-memory-request-body]] == {api-request-body-title} `analysis_config`:: (Required, object) For a list of the properties that you can specify in the `analysis_config` component of the body of this API, see <>. `max_bucket_cardinality`:: (Required^\*^, object) Estimates of the highest cardinality in a single bucket that is observed for influencer fields over the time period that the job analyzes data. To produce a good answer, values must be provided for all influencer fields. Providing values for fields that are not listed as `influencers` has no effect on the estimation. + ^*^It can be omitted from the request if there are no `influencers`. `overall_cardinality`:: (Required^\*^, object) Estimates of the cardinality that is observed for fields over the whole time period that the job analyzes data. To produce a good answer, values must be provided for fields referenced in the `by_field_name`, `over_field_name` and `partition_field_name` of any detectors. Providing values for other fields has no effect on the estimation. + ^*^It can be omitted from the request if no detectors have a `by_field_name`, `over_field_name` or `partition_field_name`. [[ml-estimate-model-memory-example]] == {api-examples-title} [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- POST _ml/anomaly_detectors/_estimate_model_memory { "analysis_config": { "bucket_span": "5m", "detectors": [ { "function": "sum", "field_name": "bytes", "by_field_name": "status", "partition_field_name": "app" } ], "influencers": [ "source_ip", "dest_ip" ] }, "overall_cardinality": { "status": 10, "app": 50 }, "max_bucket_cardinality": { "source_ip": 300, "dest_ip": 30 } } -------------------------------------------------- // TEST[skip:needs-licence] The estimate returns the following result: [source,console-result] ---- { "model_memory_estimate": "21mb" } ----