// this file must exist so that qa projects are found
// by the elasticsearch x-plugins include mechanism

import org.elasticsearch.gradle.test.RestIntegTestTask

subprojects {
  // HACK: please fix this
  // we want to add the rest api specs for xpack to qa tests, but we
  // need to wait until after the project is evaluated to only apply
  // to those that rest tests. this used to be done automatically
  // when xpack was a plugin, but now there is no place with xpack as a module.
  // instead, we should package these and make them easy to use for rest tests,
  // but currently, they must be copied into the resources of the test runner.
  project.tasks.withType(RestIntegTestTask) {
    File xpackResources = new File(xpackProject('plugin').projectDir, 'src/test/resources')
    project.copyRestSpec.from(xpackResources) {
      include 'rest-api-spec/api/**'