[role="xpack"] [testenv="platinum"] [[xpack-ccr]] = {ccr-cap} [partintro] -- The {ccr} (CCR) feature enables replication of indices in remote clusters to a local cluster. This functionality can be used in some common production use cases: * Disaster recovery in case a primary cluster fails. A secondary cluster can serve as a hot backup * Geo-proximity so that reads can be served locally This guide provides an overview of {ccr}: * <<ccr-overview>> * <<ccr-requirements>> * <<ccr-auto-follow>> * <<ccr-getting-started>> * <<ccr-upgrading>> -- include::overview.asciidoc[] include::requirements.asciidoc[] include::auto-follow.asciidoc[] include::getting-started.asciidoc[] include::remote-recovery.asciidoc[] include::upgrading.asciidoc[]