-- :api: flush-job :request: FlushJobRequest :response: FlushJobResponse -- [role="xpack"] [id="{upid}-{api}"] === Flush job API The flush job API provides the ability to flush a {ml} job's datafeed in the cluster. It accepts a +{request}+ object and responds with a +{response}+ object. [id="{upid}-{api}-request"] ==== Flush job request A +{request}+ object gets created with an existing non-null `jobId`. All other fields are optional for the request. ["source","java",subs="attributes,callouts,macros"] -------------------------------------------------- include-tagged::{doc-tests-file}[{api}-request] -------------------------------------------------- <1> Constructing a new request referencing an existing `jobId` ==== Optional arguments The following arguments are optional. ["source","java",subs="attributes,callouts,macros"] -------------------------------------------------- include-tagged::{doc-tests-file}[{api}-request-options] -------------------------------------------------- <1> Set request to calculate the interim results <2> Set the advanced time to flush to the particular time value <3> Set the start time for the range of buckets on which to calculate the interim results (requires `calc_interim` to be `true`) <4> Set the end time for the range of buckets on which to calculate interim results (requires `calc_interim` to be `true`) <5> Set the skip time to skip a particular time value [id="{upid}-{api}-response"] ==== Flush job response A +{response}+ contains an acknowledgement and an optional end date for the last finalized bucket ["source","java",subs="attributes,callouts,macros"] -------------------------------------------------- include-tagged::{doc-tests-file}[{api}-response] -------------------------------------------------- <1> `isFlushed()` indicates if the job was successfully flushed or not. <2> `getLastFinalizedBucketEnd()` provides the timestamp (in milliseconds-since-the-epoch) of the end of the last bucket that was processed. include::../execution.asciidoc[]