--- "Basic field stats": - do: index: index: test_1 type: test id: id_1 body: { foo: "bar", number: 123 } - do: indices.refresh: {} - do: field_stats: index: test_1 fields: [foo, number] - match: { indices._all.fields.foo.max_doc: 1 } - match: { indices._all.fields.foo.doc_count: 1 } - match: { indices._all.fields.foo.min_value: "bar" } - match: { indices._all.fields.foo.max_value: "bar" } - match: { indices._all.fields.number.max_doc: 1 } - match: { indices._all.fields.number.doc_count: 1 } - match: { indices._all.fields.number.min_value: 123 } - match: { indices._all.fields.number.max_value: 123 } --- "Basic field stats with level set to indices": - do: index: index: test_1 type: test id: id_1 body: { foo: "bar", number: 123 } - do: indices.refresh: {} - do: field_stats: index: test_1 fields: [foo, number] level: indices - match: { indices.test_1.fields.foo.max_doc: 1 } - match: { indices.test_1.fields.foo.doc_count: 1 } - match: { indices.test_1.fields.foo.min_value: "bar" } - match: { indices.test_1.fields.foo.max_value: "bar" } - match: { indices.test_1.fields.number.max_doc: 1 } - match: { indices.test_1.fields.number.doc_count: 1 } - match: { indices.test_1.fields.number.min_value: 123 } - match: { indices.test_1.fields.number.max_value: 123 }