=== Configuring Watcher to Send Messages to Slack

You can configure Watcher to send messages to Slack channels and users.

==== Configuring Slack Accounts

You configure the accounts Watcher can use to communicate with Slack in your `elasticsearch.yml` 
configuration file. Each account configuration has a unique name and specifies an 
https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks[Incoming Webhook
URL] for posting messages to Slack. You can also specify message defaults, 
such the sender name and icon. 

Before you can configure a Slack account, you need to set up an Incoming Webhook Integration
through the Slack console:

. Log in to http://slack.com[slack.com] as a team administrator.
. Go to https://my.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook/[
. Select a default channel for the integration.
. Click *Add Incoming Webhook Integration*.
. Copy the generated webhook URL so you can paste it into your Slack account configuration in 

To configure a Slack account in Watcher, you set the `watcher.actions.slack.service` property in 
`elasticsearch.yml`. You must set the `url` to your incoming webhook integration URL.
You can also specify defaults for the notification messages. For the complete list of attributes,
see <<slack-account-attributes, Slack Account Attributes>>.

For example, the following snippet configures an account called `notify-monitoring` and sets the 
default sender name to `Watcher`.

      url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/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
        from: Watcher

If you configure multiple Slack accounts, you either need to configure a default Slack account
or specify which account the notification should be sent with in the <<actions-slack, slack>> 
action. You set `default_account` in `watcher.actions.slack.service` to specify a default account.

  default_account: team1
      url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/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
        from: watcher
      url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/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
        from: watcher

==== Slack Account Attributes

| Name                           |Required | Description
| `url`                          | yes     | The Incoming Webhook URL to use to post 
                                             messages to Slack. 
| `message_defaults.from`        | no      | The sender name to display in the 
                                             Slack message. Defaults to the watch ID.
| `message_defaults.to  `        | no      | The default Slack channels or groups you 
                                             want to send messages to.
| `message_defaults.icon`        | no      | The icon to display in the Slack messages. 
                                             Overrides the incoming webhook's configured
                                             icon. Accepts a public URL to an image.
| `message_defaults.text`        | no      | The default message content.                                                        
| `message_defaults.attachment`  | no      | Default message attachments. Slack message attachments
                                             enable you to create more richly-formatted messages. 
                                             Specified as an array as defined in the 
                                             Slack attachments documentation].