=== Refresh API
Refreshes one or more indices. For data streams, the API refreshes the stream's
backing indices.
POST /my-index-000001/_refresh
// TEST[setup:my_index]
==== {api-request-title}
`POST /_refresh`
`GET /_refresh`
`POST /_refresh`
`GET /_refresh`
==== {api-description-title}
Use the refresh API to explicitly refresh one or more indices.
If the request targets a data stream, it refreshes the stream's backing indices.
A _refresh_ makes all operations performed on an index
since the last refresh
available for search.
// tag::refresh-interval-default[]
By default, Elasticsearch periodically refreshes indices every second, but only on
indices that have received one search request or more in the last 30 seconds.
// end::refresh-interval-default[]
You can change this default interval
using the <> setting.
Refresh requests are synchronous and do not return a response until the
refresh operation completes.
Refreshes are resource-intensive.
To ensure good cluster performance,
we recommend waiting for {es}'s periodic refresh
rather than performing an explicit refresh
when possible.
If your application workflow
indexes documents and then runs a search
to retrieve the indexed document,
we recommend using the <>'s
`refresh=wait_for` query parameter option.
This option ensures the indexing operation waits
for a periodic refresh
before running the search.
==== {api-path-parms-title}
To refresh all indices in the cluster,
omit this parameter
or use a value of `_all` or `*`.
==== {api-query-parms-title}
Defaults to `true`.
Defaults to `open`.
==== {api-examples-title}
===== Refresh several data streams and indices
POST /my-index-000001,my-index-000002/_refresh
// TEST[s/^/PUT my-index-000001\nPUT my-index-000002\n/]
===== Refresh all data streams and indices in a cluster
POST /_refresh