=== Create {transform} API
Create {transform}
Instantiates a {transform}.
==== {api-request-title}
`PUT _transform/`
==== {api-prereq-title}
* If the {es} {security-features} are enabled, you must have `manage_transform`
cluster privileges to use this API. The built-in `transform_admin` role has
these privileges. You must also have `read` and `view_index_metadata` privileges
on the source index and `read`, `create_index`, and `index` privileges on the
destination index. For more information, see <> and
==== {api-description-title}
This API defines a {transform}, which copies data from source indices,
transforms it, and persists it into an entity-centric destination index. The
entities are defined by the set of `group_by` fields in the `pivot` object. You
can also think of the destination index as a two-dimensional tabular data
structure (known as a {dataframe}). The ID for each document in the
{dataframe} is generated from a hash of the entity, so there is a unique row
per entity. For more information, see <>.
When the {transform} is created, a series of validations occur to
ensure its success. For example, there is a check for the existence of the
source indices and a check that the destination index is not part of the source
index pattern. You can use the `defer_validation` parameter to skip these
Deferred validations are always run when the {transform} is started,
with the exception of privilege checks. When {es} {security-features} are
enabled, the {transform} remembers which roles the user that created
it had at the time of creation and uses those same roles. If those roles do not
have the required privileges on the source and destination indices, the
{transform} fails when it attempts unauthorized operations.
IMPORTANT: You must use {kib} or this API to create a {transform}.
Do not put a {transform} directly into any
`.transform-internal*` indices using the Elasticsearch index API.
If {es} {security-features} are enabled, do not give users any
privileges on `.transform-internal*` indices. If you used transforms
prior 7.5, also do not give users any privileges on
`.data-frame-internal*` indices.
==== {api-path-parms-title}
(Required, string)
==== {api-query-parms-title}
(Optional, boolean) When `true`, deferrable validations are not run. This
behavior may be desired if the source index does not exist until after the
{transform} is created.
==== {api-request-body-title}
(Optional, string) Free text description of the {transform}.
(Required, object)
(Required, string)
(Optional, string)
(Optional, <>)
(Required, object)
`pivot`.`aggregations` or `aggs`:::
(Required, object)
(Required, object)
(Optional, integer)
(Required, object)
(Required, string or array)
(Optional, object)
(Optional, object)
(Required, object)
(Optional, <>)
(Required, string)
TIP: In general, it’s a good idea to use a field that contains the
<>. If you use a different field,
you might need to set the `delay` such that it accounts for data transmission
==== {api-examples-title}
PUT _transform/ecommerce_transform
"source": {
"index": "kibana_sample_data_ecommerce",
"query": {
"term": {
"geoip.continent_name": {
"value": "Asia"
"pivot": {
"group_by": {
"customer_id": {
"terms": {
"field": "customer_id"
"aggregations": {
"max_price": {
"max": {
"field": "taxful_total_price"
"description": "Maximum priced ecommerce data by customer_id in Asia",
"dest": {
"index": "kibana_sample_data_ecommerce_transform",
"pipeline": "add_timestamp_pipeline"
"frequency": "5m",
"sync": {
"time": {
"field": "order_date",
"delay": "60s"
// TEST[setup:kibana_sample_data_ecommerce,add_timestamp_pipeline]
When the {transform} is created, you receive the following results:
"acknowledged" : true