[[ingest]] == Ingest Plugins The ingest plugins extend Elasticsearch by providing additional ingest node capabilities. [float] === Core Ingest Plugins The core ingest plugins are: <>:: The ingest attachment plugin lets Elasticsearch extract file attachments in common formats (such as PPT, XLS, and PDF) by using the Apache text extraction library http://lucene.apache.org/tika/[Tika]. <>:: The GeoIP processor adds information about the geographical location of IP addresses, based on data from the Maxmind databases. This processor adds this information by default under the `geoip` field. + The ingest-geoip plugin ships by default with the GeoLite2 City and GeoLite2 Country geoip2 databases from Maxmind made available under the CCA-ShareAlike 3.0 license. For more details see, http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/. <>:: A processor that extracts details from the User-Agent header value. [float] === Community contributed ingest plugins The following plugin has been contributed by our community: * https://github.com/johtani/elasticsearch-ingest-csv[Ingest CSV Processor Plugin] (by Jun Ohtani) include::ingest-attachment.asciidoc[] include::ingest-geoip.asciidoc[] include::ingest-user-agent.asciidoc[]