--- "Basic delete_by_query, post 1.0": - skip: version: "0 - 0.999" reason: "Since 1.0 the query top-level key in the body is required" - do: index: index: test_1 type: test id: 1 body: { foo: bar } - do: index: index: test_1 type: test id: 2 body: { foo: baz } - do: index: index: test_1 type: test id: 3 body: { foo: foo } - do: indices.refresh: {} - do: delete_by_query: index: test_1 body: query: match: foo: bar - is_true: ok - do: indices.refresh: {} - do: count: index: test_1 - match: { count: 2 } --- "Basic delete_by_query, pre 1.0": - skip: version: "1 - 999" reason: "Since 1.0 the query top-level key in the body is required" - do: index: index: test_1 type: test id: 1 body: { foo: bar } - do: index: index: test_1 type: test id: 2 body: { foo: baz } - do: index: index: test_1 type: test id: 3 body: { foo: foo } - do: indices.refresh: {} - do: delete_by_query: index: test_1 body: match: foo: bar - is_true: ok - do: indices.refresh: {} - do: count: index: test_1 - match: { count: 2 }