=== Sort Processor
Sorts the elements of an array ascending or descending.  Homogeneous arrays of numbers will be sorted
numerically, while arrays of strings or heterogeneous arrays of strings + numbers will be sorted lexicographically.
Throws an error when the field is not an array.

.Sort Options
| Name              | Required  | Default  | Description
| `field`           | yes       | -        | The field to be sorted
| `order`           | no        | `"asc"`  | The sort order to use. Accepts `"asc"` or `"desc"`.
| `target_field`    | no        | `field`  | The field to assign the sorted value to, by default `field` is updated in-place

  "sort": {
    "field": "array_field_to_sort",
    "order": "desc"