# Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. Elasticsearch licenses this file to you under # the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on # an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, # either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. # Helper python script to check if a sonatype staging repo contains # all the required files compared to a local repository # # The script does the following steps # # 1. Scans the local maven repo for all files in /org/elasticsearch # 2. Opens a HTTP connection to the staging repo # 3. Executes a HEAD request for each file found in step one # 4. Compares the content-length response header with the real file size # 5. Return an error if those two numbers differ # # A pre requirement to run this, is to find out via the oss.sonatype.org web UI, how that repo is named # - After logging in you go to 'Staging repositories' and search for the one you just created # - Click into the `Content` tab # - Open any artifact (not a directory) # - Copy the link of `Repository Path` on the right and reuse that part of the URL # # Alternatively you can just use the name of the repository and reuse the rest (ie. the repository # named for the example below would have been named orgelasticsearch-1012) # # # Example call # python dev-tools/validate-maven-repository.py /path/to/repo/org/elasticsearch/ \ # https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/orgelasticsearch-1012/content/org/elasticsearch import sys import os import httplib import urlparse import re # Draw a simple progress bar, a couple of hundred HEAD requests might take a while # Note, when drawing this, it uses the carriage return character, so you should not # write anything in between def drawProgressBar(percent, barLen = 40): sys.stdout.write("\r") progress = "" for i in range(barLen): if i < int(barLen * percent): progress += "=" else: progress += " " sys.stdout.write("[ %s ] %.2f%%" % (progress, percent * 100)) sys.stdout.flush() if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 3: print 'Usage: %s <localRep> <stagingRepo> [user:pass]' % (sys.argv[0]) print '' print 'Example: %s /tmp/my-maven-repo/org/elasticsearch https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/orgelasticsearch-1012/content/org/elasticsearch' % (sys.argv[0]) else: sys.argv[1] = re.sub('/$', '', sys.argv[1]) sys.argv[2] = re.sub('/$', '', sys.argv[2]) localMavenRepo = sys.argv[1] endpoint = sys.argv[2] filesToCheck = [] foundSignedFiles = False for root, dirs, files in os.walk(localMavenRepo): for file in files: # no metadata files (they get renamed from maven-metadata-local.xml to maven-metadata.xml while deploying) # no .properties and .repositories files (they dont get uploaded) if not file.startswith('maven-metadata') and not file.endswith('.properties') and not file.endswith('.repositories'): filesToCheck.append(os.path.join(root, file)) if file.endswith('.asc'): foundSignedFiles = True print "Need to check %i files" % len(filesToCheck) if not foundSignedFiles: print '### Warning: No signed .asc files found' # set up http parsed_uri = urlparse.urlparse(endpoint) domain = parsed_uri.netloc if parsed_uri.scheme == 'https': conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(domain) else: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(domain) #conn.set_debuglevel(5) drawProgressBar(0) errors = [] for idx, file in enumerate(filesToCheck): request_uri = parsed_uri.path + file[len(localMavenRepo):] conn.request("HEAD", request_uri) res = conn.getresponse() res.read() # useless call for head, but prevents httplib.ResponseNotReady raise absolute_url = parsed_uri.scheme + '://' + parsed_uri.netloc + request_uri if res.status == 200: content_length = res.getheader('content-length') local_file_size = os.path.getsize(file) if int(content_length) != int(local_file_size): errors.append('LENGTH MISMATCH: %s differs in size. local %s <=> %s remote' % (absolute_url, content_length, local_file_size)) elif res.status == 404: errors.append('MISSING: %s' % absolute_url) elif res.status == 301 or res.status == 302: errors.append('REDIRECT: %s to %s' % (absolute_url, res.getheader('location'))) else: errors.append('ERROR: %s http response: %s %s' %(absolute_url, res.status, res.reason)) # update progressbar at the end drawProgressBar((idx+1)/float(len(filesToCheck))) print if len(errors) != 0: print 'The following errors occured (%s out of %s files)' % (len(errors), len(filesToCheck)) print for error in errors: print error sys.exit(-1)