[role="xpack"] [[ml-settings]] === Machine Learning Settings You do not need to configure any settings to use {ml}. It is enabled by default. [float] [[general-ml-settings]] ==== General Machine Learning Settings `xpack.ml.enabled`:: Set to `true` (default) to enable {ml}. + + If set to `false` in `elasticsearch.yml`, the {ml} APIs are disabled. You also cannot open jobs, start {dfeeds}, or receive transport (internal) communication requests related to {ml} APIs. + + IMPORTANT: If you want to use {ml} features in your cluster, you must have `xpack.ml.enabled` set to `true` on all master-eligible nodes. This is the default behavior. `node.ml`:: Set to `true` (default) to identify the node as a _machine learning node_. + + If set to `false` in `elasticsearch.yml`, the node cannot run jobs. If set to `true` but `xpack.ml.enabled` is set to `false`, the `node.ml` setting is ignored and the node cannot run jobs. If you want to run jobs, there must be at least one machine learning node in your cluster. + + IMPORTANT: On dedicated coordinating nodes or dedicated master nodes, disable the `node.ml` role.