[[painless-metric-agg-combine-context]] === Metric aggregation combine context Use a Painless script to {ref}/search-aggregations-metrics-scripted-metric-aggregation.html[combine] values for use in a scripted metric aggregation. A combine script is run once per shard following a <<painless-metric-agg-map-context, map script>> and is optional as part of a full metric aggregation. *Variables* `params` (`Map`, read-only):: User-defined parameters passed in as part of the query. `state` (`Map`):: `Map` with values available from the prior map script. *Return* `List`, `Map`, `String`, or primitive:: A value collected for use in a <<painless-metric-agg-reduce-context, reduce script>>. If no reduce script is specified, the value is used as part of the result. *API* The standard <<painless-api-reference, Painless API>> is available.