== Pausing Data Collection

To stop generating {monitoring} data in {es}, disable data collection:

xpack.monitoring.collection.enabled: false

When this setting is `false`, {es} monitoring data is not collected and all 
monitoring data from other sources such as {kib}, Beats, and Logstash is ignored.

You can update this setting by using the 
{ref}/cluster-update-settings.html[Cluster Update Settings API].

If you want to collect data from sources such as {kib}, Beats, and Logstash but
not collect data about your {es} cluster, you can disable data collection
just for {es}:

xpack.monitoring.collection.enabled: true
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.collection.enabled: false

If you want to separately disable a specific exporter, you can specify the 
`enabled` setting (which defaults to `true`) per exporter. For example:

  type: http
  host: ["", ""]
  enabled: false <1>
<1> Disable the named exporter. If the same name as an existing exporter is not
    used, then this will create a completely new exporter that is completely
    ignored. This value can be set dynamically by using cluster settings.

NOTE: Defining a disabled exporter prevents the default exporter from being

To re-start data collection, re-enable these settings.