import datetime import traceback import json import os import shutil import signal import subprocess import tempfile import threading import time import xml.dom.minidom from http.client import HTTPSConnection from http.client import HTTPConnection import sys LOG = os.environ.get('ES_SMOKE_TEST_PLUGINS_LOG', '/tmp/elasticsearch_smoke_test_plugins.log') print('Logging to %s' % LOG) if os.path.exists(LOG): raise RuntimeError('please remove old log %s first' % LOG) try: JAVA_HOME = os.environ['JAVA7_HOME'] except KeyError: try: JAVA_HOME = os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError(""" Please set JAVA_HOME in the env before running release tool On OSX use: export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v '1.7*'`""") JAVA_ENV = 'export JAVA_HOME="%s" PATH="%s/bin:$PATH" JAVACMD="%s/bin/java"' % (JAVA_HOME, JAVA_HOME, JAVA_HOME) try: # make sure mvn3 is used if mvn3 is available # some systems use maven 2 as default subprocess.check_output('mvn3 --version', shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) MVN = 'mvn3' except subprocess.CalledProcessError: MVN = 'mvn' def log(msg): f = open(LOG, mode='ab') f.write(('\n' + msg).encode('utf-8')) f.close() def run(command, quiet=False): log('%s: RUN: %s\n' % (, command)) if os.system('%s >> %s 2>&1' % (command, LOG)): msg = ' FAILED: %s [see log %s]' % (command, LOG) if not quiet: print(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) def readServerOutput(p, startupEvent, failureEvent): try: while True: line = p.stdout.readline() if len(line) == 0: p.poll() if not startupEvent.isSet(): failureEvent.set() startupEvent.set() print('ES: **process exit**\n') break line = line.decode('utf-8').rstrip() if line.endswith('started') and not startupEvent.isSet(): startupEvent.set() print('ES: %s' % line) except: print() print('Exception reading Elasticsearch output:') traceback.print_exc() failureEvent.set() startupEvent.set() def send_request(conn, method, path, body=None): conn.request(method, path, body) res = conn.getresponse() if 200 > res.status > 300: raise RuntimeError('Expected HTTP status code between 200 and 299 but got %s' % res.status) return json.loads("utf-8")) supported_es_version = ['2.0.0-SNAPSHOT'] conn = HTTPSConnection('') conn.request('GET', '') res = conn.getresponse() dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString("utf-8")) snapshotVersion = dom.getElementsByTagName("value")[0].firstChild.nodeValue snapshot_url = '' % snapshotVersion conn.close() print("Using the following url for the snapshot version: %s" % snapshot_url) version_url_matrix = [ {'version': '2.0.0-beta1-SNAPSHOT', 'host' : '', 'url': snapshot_url} ] test_watch = """ { "trigger": { "schedule": { "interval": "1s" } }, "input": { "http": { "request": { "host": "localhost", "port": 9200, "path": "/_cluster/health" } } }, "condition": { "compare": { "ctx.payload.status": { "eq": "yellow" } } }, "actions": { "log": { "logging": { "text": "executed at {{ctx.execution_time}}" } } } } """ watch_history_query = """ { "query": { "term": { "watch_id": { "value": "cluster_health_watch" } } } } """ if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: print('Specify the version of Watcher to be tested as an argument.') print('For example: `python3 x-dev-tools/ 2.0.0-beta1-SNAPSHOT`') exit() expected_watcher_version = sys.argv[1] print('Smoke testing Watcher version [%s] with the following es versions [%s]' % (expected_watcher_version, supported_es_version)) print('Building x-plugins (skipping tests)...') #run('%s; %s clean package -DskipTests' % (JAVA_ENV, MVN)) license_artifact = None for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('license/plugin/target/releases/'): for f in filenames: print(os.path.join(dirname, f)) if f.endswith('.zip'): license_artifact = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, f)) break if license_artifact is None: raise RuntimeError('could not find license release under license/plugin/target/releases/') watcher_artifact = None for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('watcher/target/releases/'): for f in filenames: print(os.path.join(dirname, f)) if f.endswith('.zip'): watcher_artifact = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, f)) break if watcher_artifact is None: raise RuntimeError('could not find Watcher release under watcher/target/releases/') base_tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + '/watcher_smoker/' os.makedirs(base_tmp_dir) try: for version_url in version_url_matrix: es_version = version_url['version'] print('Testing watcher [%s] with elasticsearch [%s]' % (expected_watcher_version, es_version)) version_tmp_dir = '%s%s/' % (base_tmp_dir, es_version) os.makedirs(version_tmp_dir) download = version_tmp_dir + 'elasticsearch-%s.tar.gz' % (es_version) conn = HTTPSConnection(version_url['host']) conn.request('GET', version_url['url']) print('downloading %s to %s' % (version_url['url'], download)) resp = conn.getresponse() data = with open(download, 'wb') as f: f.write(data) conn.close() print('Downloading elasticsearch [%s]' % es_version) run('tar -xzf %s -C %s' % (download, version_tmp_dir)) es_dir = version_tmp_dir + 'elasticsearch-%s/' % (es_version) print('Installing License plugin...') url = 'file://%s' % license_artifact run('%s; %s install %s --url %s' % (JAVA_ENV, es_dir + 'bin/plugin', 'elasticsearch/license', url)) url = 'file://%s' % watcher_artifact print('Installing Watcher plugin...') run('%s; %s install %s --url %s' % (JAVA_ENV, es_dir + 'bin/plugin', 'elasticsearch/watcher', url)) p = None try: print('Starting Elasticsearch...') env = os.environ.copy() env['JAVA_HOME'] = JAVA_HOME env['PATH'] = '%s/bin:%s' % (JAVA_HOME, env['PATH']) env['JAVA_CMD'] = '%s/bin/java' % JAVA_HOME startupEvent = threading.Event() failureEvent = threading.Event() p = subprocess.Popen(('%s/bin/elasticsearch' % es_dir, '', '' '', '-Des.script.inline=on', '-Des.script.indexed=on'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) thread = threading.Thread(target=readServerOutput, args=(p, startupEvent, failureEvent)) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() startupEvent.wait(5000) if failureEvent.isSet(): raise RuntimeError('ES failed to start') conn = HTTPConnection('', 9200, 20) # TODO: fix version in watcher info api! # print('> Checking watcher info api...') # version = send_request(conn, 'GET', '/_watcher')['version']['name'] # if version != expected_watcher_version: # raise RuntimeError('Expected Watcher version %s but got %s' % (expected_watcher_version, version)) # print('> Successful!') print('> Checking watcher stats api...') watcher_state = send_request(conn, 'GET', '/_watcher/stats')['watcher_state'] # we're too fast, lets wait and retry: if watcher_state == 'starting': time.sleep(5) watcher_state = send_request(conn, 'GET', '/_watcher/stats')['watcher_state'] if watcher_state != 'started': raise RuntimeError('Expected watcher_state started but got %s' % watcher_state) watch_count = send_request(conn, 'GET', '/_watcher/stats')['watch_count'] if watch_count != 0: raise RuntimeError('Expected watcher_count 0 but got %s' % watch_count) print('> Successful!') print('> Checking put watch api...') res_body = send_request(conn, 'PUT', '/_watcher/watch/cluster_health_watch', test_watch) if res_body['_version'] != 1: raise RuntimeError('Expected watch _version 1 but got %s' % res_body['_version']) if res_body['created'] != True: raise RuntimeError('Expected watch created True but got %s' % res_body['created']) watch_count = send_request(conn, 'GET', '/_watcher/stats')['watch_count'] if watch_count != 1: raise RuntimeError('Expected watcher_count 1 but got %s' % watch_count) print('> Successful!') print('> Checking if watch actually fires...') time.sleep(5) send_request(conn, 'GET', '/.watch_history-*/_refresh') hit_count = send_request(conn, 'GET', '/.watch_history-*/_search')['hits']['total'] if hit_count == 0: raise RuntimeError('Expected 1 or higher but got %s' % hit_count) print('> Added test watch triggered %s history records...' % hit_count) print('> Successful!') print('> Checking delete watch api...') found = send_request(conn, 'DELETE', '/_watcher/watch/cluster_health_watch')['found'] if (found == False): raise RuntimeError('Expected found to be True but got %s' % found) print('> Successful!') print('> Smoke tester ran succesful with elastic version [%s]!' % es_version) conn.close() finally: if p is not None: try: os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL) except ProcessLookupError: pass finally: shutil.rmtree(base_tmp_dir) print('> Smoke tester has successfully completed') print('> The following es version were test [%s] with Watcher version [%s]' % (supported_es_version, expected_watcher_version))