=== EC2 Discovery Plugin

The EC2 discovery plugin uses the https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-java[AWS API] for unicast discovery.

==== Installation

This plugin can be installed using the plugin manager:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install discovery-ec2

The plugin must be installed on every node in the cluster, and each node must
be restarted after installation.

==== Removal

The plugin can be removed with the following command:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove discovery-ec2

The node must be stopped before removing the plugin.

==== Getting started with AWS

The plugin will default to using
http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/iam-roles-for-amazon-ec2.html[IAM Role]
credentials for authentication. These can be overridden by, in increasing
order of precedence, system properties `aws.accessKeyId` and `aws.secretKey`,
environment variables `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and `AWS_SECRET_KEY`, or the
elasticsearch config using `cloud.aws.access_key` and `cloud.aws.secret_key`:

        access_key: AKVAIQBF2RECL7FJWGJQ
        secret_key: vExyMThREXeRMm/b/LRzEB8jWwvzQeXgjqMX+6br

===== Transport security

By default this plugin uses HTTPS for all API calls to AWS endpoints. If you wish to configure HTTP you can set
`cloud.aws.protocol` in the elasticsearch config. You can optionally override this setting per individual service
via: `cloud.aws.ec2.protocol` or `cloud.aws.s3.protocol`.

        protocol: https
            protocol: https

In addition, a proxy can be configured with the `proxy.host`, `proxy.port`, `proxy.username` and `proxy.password` settings
(note that protocol can be `http` or `https`):

        protocol: https
            host: proxy1.company.com
            port: 8083
            username: myself
            password: theBestPasswordEver!

You can also set different proxies for `ec2` and `s3`:

                host: proxy1.company.com
                port: 8083
                username: myself1
                password: theBestPasswordEver1!
                host: proxy2.company.com
                port: 8083
                username: myself2
                password: theBestPasswordEver2!

===== Region

The `cloud.aws.region` can be set to a region and will automatically use the relevant settings for both `ec2` and `s3`.
The available values are:

* `us-east` (`us-east-1`) for US East (N. Virginia)
* `us-west` (`us-west-1`) for US West (N. California)
* `us-west-2` for US West (Oregon)
* `ap-south-1` for Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
* `ap-southeast` (`ap-southeast-1`) for Asia Pacific (Singapore)
* `ap-southeast-2` for Asia Pacific (Sydney)
* `ap-northeast` (`ap-northeast-1`) for Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
* `ap-northeast-2` (`ap-northeast-2`) for Asia Pacific (Seoul)
* `eu-west` (`eu-west-1`) for EU (Ireland)
* `eu-central` (`eu-central-1`) for EU (Frankfurt)
* `sa-east` (`sa-east-1`) for South America (São Paulo)
* `cn-north` (`cn-north-1`) for China (Beijing)

===== EC2 Signer API

If you are using a compatible EC2 service, they might be using an older API to sign the requests.
You can set your compatible signer API using `cloud.aws.signer` (or `cloud.aws.ec2.signer`)
with the right signer to use.

==== EC2 Discovery

ec2 discovery allows to use the ec2 APIs to perform automatic discovery (similar to multicast in non hostile multicast
environments). Here is a simple sample configuration:

    type: ec2

You must also set `cloud.aws.region` if you are not using default AWS region. See <<discovery-ec2-usage-region>> for details.

The ec2 discovery is using the same credentials as the rest of the AWS services provided by this plugin (`repositories`).
See <<discovery-ec2-usage>> for details. 

The following are a list of settings (prefixed with `discovery.ec2`) that can further control the discovery:


    Either a comma separated list or array based list of (security) groups.
    Only instances with the provided security groups will be used in the
    cluster discovery. (NOTE: You could provide either group NAME or group


    The type of host type to use to communicate with other instances. Can be
    one of `private_ip`, `public_ip`, `private_dns`, `public_dns`. Defaults to


    Either a comma separated list or array based list of availability zones.
    Only instances within the provided availability zones will be used in the
    cluster discovery.


    If set to `false`, will require all security groups to be present for the
    instance to be used for the discovery. Defaults to `true`.


    How long to wait for existing EC2 nodes to reply during discovery.
    Defaults to `3s`. If no unit like `ms`, `s` or `m` is specified,
    milliseconds are used.


    How long the list of hosts is cached to prevent further requests to the AWS API.
    Defaults to `10s`.

.Binding the network host

It's important to define `network.host` as by default it's bound to `localhost`.

You can use {ref}/modules-network.html[core network host settings] or
<<discovery-ec2-network-host,ec2 specific host settings>>:


===== EC2 Network Host

When the `discovery-ec2` plugin is installed, the following are also allowed
as valid network host settings:

|EC2 Host Value |Description
|`_ec2:privateIpv4_` |The private IP address (ipv4) of the machine.
|`_ec2:privateDns_` |The private host of the machine.
|`_ec2:publicIpv4_` |The public IP address (ipv4) of the machine.
|`_ec2:publicDns_` |The public host of the machine.
|`_ec2:privateIp_` |equivalent to `_ec2:privateIpv4_`.
|`_ec2:publicIp_` |equivalent to `_ec2:publicIpv4_`.
|`_ec2_` |equivalent to `_ec2:privateIpv4_`.

===== Recommended EC2 Permissions

EC2 discovery requires making a call to the EC2 service. You'll want to setup
an IAM policy to allow this. You can create a custom policy via the IAM
Management Console. It should look similar to this.

  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": [
  "Version": "2012-10-17"

===== Filtering by Tags

The ec2 discovery can also filter machines to include in the cluster based on tags (and not just groups). The settings
to use include the `discovery.ec2.tag.` prefix. For example, setting `discovery.ec2.tag.stage` to `dev` will only
filter instances with a tag key set to `stage`, and a value of `dev`. Several tags set will require all of those tags
to be set for the instance to be included.

One practical use for tag filtering is when an ec2 cluster contains many nodes that are not running elasticsearch. In
this case (particularly with high `ping_timeout` values) there is a risk that a new node's discovery phase will end
before it has found the cluster (which will result in it declaring itself master of a new cluster with the same name
- highly undesirable). Tagging elasticsearch ec2 nodes and then filtering by that tag will resolve this issue.

===== Automatic Node Attributes

Though not dependent on actually using `ec2` as discovery (but still requires the cloud aws plugin installed), the
plugin can automatically add node attributes relating to ec2 (for example, availability zone, that can be used with
the awareness allocation feature). In order to enable it, set `cloud.node.auto_attributes` to `true` in the settings.

===== Using other EC2 endpoint

If you are using any EC2 api compatible service, you can set the endpoint you want to use by setting
`cloud.aws.ec2.endpoint` to your URL provider.

==== Best Practices in AWS

Collection of best practices and other information around running Elasticsearch on AWS.

===== Instance/Disk
When selecting disk please be aware of the following order of preference:

* https://aws.amazon.com/efs/[EFS] - Avoid as the sacrifices made to offer durability, shared storage, and grow/shrink come at performance cost, such file systems have been known to cause corruption of indices, and due to Elasticsearch being distributed and having built-in replication, the benefits that EFS offers are not needed.
* https://aws.amazon.com/ebs/[EBS] - Works well if running a small cluster (1-2 nodes) and cannot tolerate the loss all storage backing a node easily or if running indices with no replicas. If EBS is used, then leverage provisioned IOPS to ensure performance.
* http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/InstanceStorage.html[Instance Store] - When running clusters of larger size and with replicas the ephemeral nature of Instance Store is ideal since Elasticsearch can tolerate the loss of shards. With Instance Store one gets the performance benefit of having disk physically attached to the host running the instance and also the cost benefit of avoiding paying extra for EBS.

Prefer https://aws.amazon.com/amazon-linux-ami/[Amazon Linux AMIs] as since Elasticsearch runs on the JVM, OS dependencies are very minimal and one can benefit from the lightweight nature, support, and performance tweaks specific to EC2 that the Amazon Linux AMIs offer. 

===== Networking
* Networking throttling takes place on smaller instance types in both the form of https://lab.getbase.com/how-we-discovered-limitations-on-the-aws-tcp-stack/[bandwidth and number of connections]. Therefore if large number of connections are needed and networking is becoming a bottleneck, avoid https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/[instance types] with networking labeled as `Moderate` or `Low`.
* Multicast is not supported, even when in an VPC; the aws cloud plugin which joins by performing a security group lookup.
* When running in multiple http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-regions-availability-zones.html[availability zones] be sure to leverage https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/master/allocation-awareness.html[shard allocation awareness] so that not all copies of shard data reside in the same availability zone.
* Do not span a cluster across regions.  If necessary, use a tribe node.

===== Misc
* If you have split your nodes into roles, consider https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Using_Tags.html[tagging the EC2 instances] by role to make it easier to filter and view your EC2 instances in the AWS console.
* Consider https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/terminating-instances.html#Using_ChangingDisableAPITermination[enabling termination protection] for all of your instances to avoid accidentally terminating a node in the cluster and causing a potentially disruptive reallocation.