[[release-notes-5.0.0-alpha2]] == 5.0.0-alpha2 Release Notes Also see <<breaking-changes-5.0>>. [[breaking-5.0.0-alpha2]] [float] === Breaking changes Analysis:: * Analyze API : Rename filters/token_filters/char_filter in Analyze API in master {pull}17843[#17843] (issue: {issue}15189[#15189]) Cluster:: * Remove validation errors from cluster health response {pull}17773[#17773] (issue: {issue}16979[#16979]) Indexed Scripts/Templates:: * Store indexed scripts in the cluster state instead of the `.scripts` index {pull}17650[#17650] (issue: {issue}16651[#16651]) Packaging:: * Add JVM options configuration file {pull}17675[#17675] (issue: {issue}17121[#17121]) Percolator:: * Remove `.percolator` type in favour of `percolator` field type {pull}17560[#17560] REST:: * Remove camelCase support {pull}17933[#17933] (issue: {issue}8988[#8988]) * Remove 'case' parameter from rest apis {pull}17774[#17774] (issue: {issue}8988[#8988]) * Disallow unquoted field names {pull}15351[#15351] (issue: {issue}9800[#9800]) Settings:: * Remove `action.get.realtime` setting {pull}17857[#17857] (issue: {issue}12543[#12543]) * Remove Settings.settingsBuilder. {pull}17619[#17619] [[deprecation-5.0.0-alpha2]] [float] === Deprecations Query DSL:: * Deprecate Indices query {pull}17710[#17710] (issue: {issue}12017[#12017]) * Deprecate mlt, in and geo_bbox query name shortcuts {pull}17507[#17507] Query Refactoring:: * Splits `phrase` and `phrase_prefix` in match query into `MatchPhraseQueryBuilder` and `MatchPhrasePrefixQueryBuilder` {pull}17508[#17508] [[feature-5.0.0-alpha2]] [float] === New features Analysis:: * Add `fingerprint` token filter and `fingerprint` analyzer {pull}17873[#17873] (issue: {issue}13325[#13325]) Plugin Analysis ICU:: * Adding support for customizing the rule file in ICU tokenizer {pull}13651[#13651] (issue: {issue}13146[#13146]) [[enhancement-5.0.0-alpha2]] [float] === Enhancements CAT API:: * Add _cat/tasks {pull}17551[#17551] * Cat health supports ts=0 option {pull}13508[#13508] (issue: {issue}10109[#10109]) Cache:: * Allow the query cache to be disabled. {pull}16268[#16268] (issue: {issue}15802[#15802]) Cluster:: * Adds tombstones to cluster state for index deletions {pull}17265[#17265] (issues: {issue}16358[#16358], {issue}17435[#17435]) * Enable acked indexing {pull}17038[#17038] (issue: {issue}7572[#7572]) Core:: * Kill thread local leak {pull}17921[#17921] (issues: {issue}283[#283], {issue}630[#630]) * Add heap size bootstrap check {pull}17728[#17728] (issue: {issue}17490[#17490]) * Remove hostname from NetworkAddress.format {pull}17601[#17601] (issue: {issue}17604[#17604]) * Bootstrapping bootstrap checks {pull}17595[#17595] (issues: {issue}17474[#17474], {issue}17570[#17570]) * Add max map count check {pull}16944[#16944] Geo:: * Enhanced lat/long error handling {pull}16833[#16833] (issue: {issue}16137[#16137]) Index APIs:: * Fail hot_threads in a better way if unsupported by JDK {pull}15909[#15909] Ingest:: * Streamline option naming for several processors {pull}17892[#17892] (issue: {issue}17835[#17835]) Internal:: * Makes Script type writeable {pull}17908[#17908] (issue: {issue}17753[#17753]) * FiltersAggregatorBuilder: Don't create new context for inner parsing {pull}17851[#17851] * Clean up serialization on some stats {pull}17832[#17832] (issue: {issue}17085[#17085]) * Normalize registration for SignificanceHeuristics {pull}17830[#17830] (issue: {issue}17085[#17085]) * Make (read|write)NamedWriteable public {pull}17829[#17829] (issue: {issue}17682[#17682]) * Use try-with-resource when creating new parser instances where possible {pull}17822[#17822] * Don't pass XContentParser to ParseFieldRegistry#lookup {pull}17794[#17794] * Internal: Remove threadlocal from document parser {pull}17764[#17764] * Cut range aggregations to registerAggregation {pull}17757[#17757] (issue: {issue}17085[#17085]) * Remove ParseFieldMatcher from AbstractXContentParser {pull}17756[#17756] (issue: {issue}17417[#17417]) * Remove parser argument from methods where we already pass in a parse context {pull}17738[#17738] * Switch SearchAfterBuilder to writeGenericValue {pull}17735[#17735] (issue: {issue}17085[#17085]) * Remove StreamableReader {pull}17729[#17729] (issue: {issue}17085[#17085]) * Cleanup nested, has_child & has_parent query builders for inner hits construction {pull}17719[#17719] (issue: {issue}11118[#11118]) * Make AllocationCommands NamedWriteables {pull}17661[#17661] * Isolate StreamableReader {pull}17656[#17656] (issue: {issue}17085[#17085]) * Create registration methods for aggregations similar to those for queries {pull}17653[#17653] (issues: {issue}17085[#17085], {issue}17389[#17389]) * Turn RestChannel into an interface {pull}17643[#17643] (issue: {issue}17133[#17133]) * Remove PROTOTYPEs from QueryBuilders {pull}17632[#17632] (issue: {issue}17085[#17085]) * Remove registerQueryParser {pull}17608[#17608] * ParseField#getAllNamesIncludedDeprecated to not return duplicate names {pull}17504[#17504] * Rework a query parser and improve registration {pull}17458[#17458] * Clean up QueryParseContext and don't hold it inside QueryRewrite/ShardContext {pull}17417[#17417] Mapping:: * Automatically upgrade analyzed strings with an analyzer to `text`. {pull}17861[#17861] * Support dots in field names when mapping already exists {pull}17759[#17759] (issue: {issue}15951[#15951]) * Use the new points API to index numeric fields. {pull}17746[#17746] (issues: {issue}11513[#11513], {issue}16751[#16751], {issue}17007[#17007], {issue}17700[#17700]) * Simplify AllEntries, AllField and AllFieldMapper: {pull}17613[#17613] Network:: * Limit request size {pull}17133[#17133] (issue: {issue}16011[#16011]) Packaging:: * Remove unnecessary sleep from init script restart {pull}17966[#17966] * Explicitly set packaging permissions {pull}17912[#17912] (issue: {issue}17634[#17634]) * Allow configuring Windows service name, description and user {pull}17312[#17312] * rpm uses non-portable `--system` flag to `useradd` {pull}14596[#14596] (issue: {issue}14211[#14211]) Percolator:: * PercolatorQueryBuilder cleanup by using MemoryIndex#fromDocument(...) helper {pull}17669[#17669] (issue: {issue}9386[#9386]) Plugins:: * Cli: Improve output for usage errors {pull}17938[#17938] * Cli: Add verbose output with zip url when installing plugin {pull}17662[#17662] (issue: {issue}17529[#17529]) Query DSL:: * Add MatchNoDocsQuery, a query that matches no documents and prints the reason why in the toString method. {pull}17780[#17780] * Adds `ignore_unmapped` option to geo queries {pull}17751[#17751] * Adds `ignore_unmapped` option to nested and P/C queries {pull}17748[#17748] * SimpleQueryParser should call MappedFieldType.termQuery when appropriate. {pull}17678[#17678] REST:: * Allow JSON with unquoted field names by enabling system property {pull}17801[#17801] (issue: {issue}17674[#17674]) Recovery:: * TransportNodesListGatewayStartedShards should fall back to disk based index metadata if not found in cluster state {pull}17663[#17663] (issue: {issue}17630[#17630]) Reindex API:: * Properly mark reindex's child tasks as child tasks {pull}17770[#17770] Search:: * Fail query if it contains very large rescores {pull}17917[#17917] (issue: {issue}17522[#17522]) Settings:: * Switch to registered Settings for all IndexingMemoryController settings {pull}17778[#17778] (issue: {issue}17442[#17442]) Stats:: * Add points to SegmentStats. {pull}17775[#17775] (issue: {issue}16974[#16974]) * Remove FieldStats.Float. {pull}17749[#17749] * Show configured and remaining delay for an unassigned shard. {pull}17515[#17515] (issue: {issue}17372[#17372]) Store:: * Use `mmapfs` by default. {pull}17616[#17616] (issue: {issue}16983[#16983]) Suggesters:: * Add bwc support for reading pre-5.0 completion index {pull}17602[#17602] Task Manager:: * Move parentTaskId into TransportRequest {pull}17872[#17872] * Shorten the serialization of the empty TaskId {pull}17870[#17870] * Expose whether a task is cancellable in the _tasks list API {pull}17464[#17464] (issue: {issue}17369[#17369]) [[bug-5.0.0-alpha2]] [float] === Bug fixes Aggregations:: * Adds serialisation of sigma to extended_stats_bucket pipeline aggregation {pull}17703[#17703] (issue: {issue}17701[#17701]) * Fixes NPE when no window is specified in moving average request {pull}17556[#17556] (issue: {issue}17516[#17516]) * Fixes Filter and FiltersAggregation to work with empty query {pull}17542[#17542] (issue: {issue}17518[#17518]) * ExtendedStatsAggregator should also pass sigma to emtpy aggs. {pull}17388[#17388] (issue: {issue}17362[#17362]) Allocation:: * Rebalancing policy shouldn't prevent hard allocation decisions {pull}17698[#17698] (issues: {issue}14057[#14057], {issue}14259[#14259]) * When considering the size of shadow replica shards, set size to 0 {pull}17509[#17509] (issue: {issue}17460[#17460]) Core:: * Refactor UUID-generating methods out of Strings {pull}17837[#17837] (issue: {issue}17819[#17819]) * Node names cleanup {pull}17723[#17723] (issue: {issue}17718[#17718]) * NullPointerException from IndexingMemoryController when a version conflict happens during recovery {pull}17569[#17569] Ingest:: * Ingest does not close its factories {pull}17626[#17626] (issue: {issue}17625[#17625]) Internal:: * Fix BulkItemResponse.Failure.toString {pull}17871[#17871] Logging:: * Add missing index name to search slow log. {pull}17818[#17818] (issue: {issue}17025[#17025]) Mapping:: * Fix cross type mapping updates for `boolean` fields. {pull}17882[#17882] (issue: {issue}17879[#17879]) * Fix dynamic check to properly handle parents {pull}17864[#17864] (issues: {issue}17644[#17644], {issue}17854[#17854]) * Fix array parsing to remove its context when finished parsing {pull}17768[#17768] * Disallow fielddata loading on text fields that are not indexed. {pull}17747[#17747] * Fail if an object is added after a field with the same name. {pull}17568[#17568] (issue: {issue}17567[#17567]) Packaging:: * Fix exit code {pull}17082[#17082] Plugin Discovery EC2:: * Fix EC2 Discovery settings {pull}17651[#17651] (issue: {issue}16602[#16602]) Plugins:: * Quote path to java binary {pull}17496[#17496] (issue: {issue}17495[#17495]) Query DSL:: * Apply the default operator on analyzed wildcard in simple_query_string builder {pull}17776[#17776] * Apply the default operator on analyzed wildcard in query_string builder: {pull}17711[#17711] (issue: {issue}2183[#2183]) REST:: * Fixes reading of CORS pre-flight headers and methods {pull}17523[#17523] (issue: {issue}17483[#17483]) * index is a required url part for update by query {pull}17503[#17503] Reindex API:: * Reindex should never report negative throttled_until {pull}17799[#17799] (issue: {issue}17783[#17783]) * Reindex should gracefully handle when _source is disabled {pull}17667[#17667] (issue: {issue}17666[#17666]) Settings:: * convert settings for ResourceWatcherService to new infrastructure {pull}17948[#17948] Snapshot/Restore:: * Fix the semantics for the BlobContainer interface {pull}17878[#17878] (issues: {issue}15579[#15579], {issue}15580[#15580]) * On restore, selecting concrete indices can select wrong index {pull}17715[#17715] Task Manager:: * Shard level tasks in Bulk Action lose reference to their parent tasks {pull}17743[#17743] Term Vectors:: * Fix calculation of took time of term vectors request {pull}17817[#17817] (issue: {issue}12565[#12565]) [[upgrade-5.0.0-alpha2]] [float] === Upgrades Core:: * Upgrade to lucene 6 release {pull}17657[#17657]