=== cat recovery API
<titleabbrev>cat recovery</titleabbrev>

Returns information about ongoing and completed index shard recoveries, similar
to the <<indices-recovery, indices recovery>> API.

==== {api-request-title}

`GET /_cat/recovery/<index>`

==== {api-description-title}

The cat recovery API returns information about index shard recoveries, both
ongoing and completed. It is a more compact view of the JSON
<<indices-recovery,indices recovery>> API.

A recovery event occurs anytime an index shard moves to a different node in the
cluster. This can happen during a snapshot recovery, a change in replication
level, node failure, or on node startup. This last type is called a local store
recovery and is the normal way for shards to be loaded from disk when a node
starts up.

==== {api-path-parms-title}


==== {api-query-parms-title}









==== {api-examples-title}

===== Example with no ongoing recoveries

GET _cat/recovery?v
// TEST[setup:twitter]

The API returns the following response:

index   shard time type  stage source_host source_node target_host target_node repository snapshot files files_recovered files_percent files_total bytes bytes_recovered bytes_percent bytes_total translog_ops translog_ops_recovered translog_ops_percent
twitter 0     13ms store done  n/a         n/a   node-0      n/a        n/a      0     0               100%          13          0     0               100%          9928        0            0                      100.0%
// TESTRESPONSE[s/store/empty_store/]
// TESTRESPONSE[s/100%/0.0%/]
// TESTRESPONSE[s/9928/0/]
// TESTRESPONSE[s/13ms/[0-9.]+m?s/]
// TESTRESPONSE[s/13/\\d+/ non_json]

In this example response, the source and target nodes are the same because the
recovery type is `store`, meaning they were read from local storage on node

===== Example with a live shard recovery

By increasing the replica count of an index and bringing another node online to
host the replicas, you can retrieve information about an ongoing recovery.

GET _cat/recovery?v&h=i,s,t,ty,st,shost,thost,f,fp,b,bp
// TEST[setup:twitter]

The API returns the following response:

i       s t      ty   st    shost       thost       f     fp      b bp
twitter 0 1252ms peer done 0     100.0%  0 100.0%
// TESTRESPONSE[s/peer/empty_store/]
// TESTRESPONSE[s/100.0%/0.0%/]
// TESTRESPONSE[s/1252ms/[0-9.]+m?s/ non_json]

In this example response, the recovery type is `peer`, meaning the shard
recovered from another node. The returned files and bytes are real-time

===== Example with a snapshot recovery

You can restore backups of an index using the <<modules-snapshots,snapshot and
restore>> API. You can use the cat recovery API retrieve information about a
snapshot recovery.

GET _cat/recovery?v&h=i,s,t,ty,st,rep,snap,f,fp,b,bp
// TEST[skip:no need to execute snapshot/restore here]

The API returns the following response with a recovery type of `snapshot`:

i       s t      ty       st    rep     snap   f  fp   b     bp
twitter 0 1978ms snapshot done  twitter snap_1 79 8.0% 12086 9.0%
// TESTRESPONSE[non_json]