[[xpack-alerting]] = Alerting on Cluster and Index Events :imagesdir: images/watcher [partintro] -- You can watch for changes or anomalies in your data and perform the necessary actions in response. For example, you might want to: * Monitor social media as another way to detect failures in user-facing automated systems like ATMs or ticketing systems. When the number of tweets and posts in an area exceeds a threshold of significance, notify a service technician. * Monitor your infrastructure, tracking disk usage over time. Open a helpdesk ticket when any servers are likely to run out of free space in the next few days. * Track network activity to detect malicious activity, and proactively change firewall configuration to reject the malicious user. * Monitor Elasticsearch, and send immediate notification to the system administrator if nodes leave the cluster or query throughput exceeds an expected range. * Track application response times and if page-load time exceeds SLAs for more than 5 minutes, open a helpdesk ticket. If SLAs are exceeded for an hour, page the administrator on duty. All of these use-cases share a few key properties: * The relevant data or changes in data can be identified with a periodic Elasticsearch query. * The results of the query can be checked against a condition. * One or more actions are taken if the condition is true -- an email is sent, a 3rd party system is notified, or the query results are stored. [float] === How Watches Work {xpack} provides an API for creating, managing and testing _watches_. A watch describes a single alert and can contain multiple notification actions. A watch is constructed from four simple building blocks: Schedule:: A schedule for running a query and checking the condition. Query:: The query to run as input to the condition. Watches support the full Elasticsearch query language, including aggregations. Condition:: A condition that determines whether or not to execute the actions. You can use simple conditions (always true), or use scripting for more sophisticated scenarios. Actions:: One or more actions, such as sending email, pushing data to 3rd party systems through a webhook, or indexing the results of the query. A full history of all watches is maintained in an Elasticsearch index. This history keeps track of each time a watch is triggered and records the results from the query, whether the condition was met, and what actions were taken. -- include::getting-started.asciidoc[] include::how-watcher-works.asciidoc[] include::input.asciidoc[] include::trigger.asciidoc[] include::condition.asciidoc[] include::actions.asciidoc[] include::transform.asciidoc[] include::java.asciidoc[] include::managing-watches.asciidoc[] include::example-watches.asciidoc[]