@echo off setlocal rem Java Service Wrapper command based script. rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem These settings can be modified to fit the needs of your application rem Optimized for use with version 3.4.0 of the Wrapper. rem SET ES_HOME set ES_HOME=%~dp0\..\.. rem The base name for the Wrapper binary. set _WRAPPER_BASE=\exec\elasticsearch rem The name and location of the Wrapper configuration file. rem (Do not remove quotes.) set _WRAPPER_CONF="..\elasticsearch.conf" rem Do not modify anything beyond this point rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" goto nt echo This script only works with NT-based versions of Windows. goto :eof :nt rem Find the application home. rem %~dp0 is location of current script under NT set _REALPATH=%~dp0 rem rem Decide on the specific Wrapper binary to use (See delta-pack) rem if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" goto amd64 if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="IA64" goto ia64 set _WRAPPER_L_EXE=%_REALPATH%%_WRAPPER_BASE%-windows-x86-32.exe goto search :amd64 set _WRAPPER_L_EXE=%_REALPATH%%_WRAPPER_BASE%-windows-x86-64.exe goto search :ia64 set _WRAPPER_L_EXE=%_REALPATH%%_WRAPPER_BASE%-windows-ia-64.exe goto search :search set _WRAPPER_EXE=%_WRAPPER_L_EXE% if exist "%_WRAPPER_EXE%" goto validate set _WRAPPER_EXE=%_REALPATH%%_WRAPPER_BASE%.exe if exist "%_WRAPPER_EXE%" goto validate echo Unable to locate a Wrapper executable using any of the following names: echo %_WRAPPER_L_EXE% echo %_WRAPPER_EXE% pause goto :eof :validate rem rem Find the requested command. rem for /F %%v in ('echo %1^|findstr "^console$ ^start$ ^pause$ ^resume$ ^stop$ ^restart$ ^install$ ^remove$"') do call :exec set COMMAND=%%v if "%COMMAND%" == "" ( echo Usage: %0 { console : start : pause : resume : stop : restart : install : remove } pause goto :eof ) else ( shift ) rem rem Run the application. rem At runtime, the current directory will be that of wrapper.exe rem call :%COMMAND% if errorlevel 1 goto callerror goto :eof :callerror echo An error occurred in the process. pause goto :eof :console "%_WRAPPER_EXE%" -c %_WRAPPER_CONF% goto :eof :start "%_WRAPPER_EXE%" -t %_WRAPPER_CONF% goto :eof :pause "%_WRAPPER_EXE%" -a %_WRAPPER_CONF% goto :eof :resume "%_WRAPPER_EXE%" -e %_WRAPPER_CONF% goto :eof :stop "%_WRAPPER_EXE%" -p %_WRAPPER_CONF% goto :eof :install "%_WRAPPER_EXE%" -i %_WRAPPER_CONF% goto :eof :remove "%_WRAPPER_EXE%" -r %_WRAPPER_CONF% goto :eof :restart call :stop call :start goto :eof :exec %* goto :eof