[[analysis-stempel]] === Stempel Polish Analysis Plugin The Stempel Analysis plugin integrates Lucene's Stempel analysis module for Polish into elasticsearch. It provides high quality stemming for Polish, based on the http://www.egothor.org/[Egothor project]. [[analysis-stempel-install]] [float] ==== Installation This plugin can be installed using the plugin manager: [source,sh] ---------------------------------------------------------------- sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-stempel ---------------------------------------------------------------- The plugin must be installed on every node in the cluster, and each node must be restarted after installation. This plugin can be downloaded for <<plugin-management-custom-url,offline install>> from {plugin_url}/analysis-stempel/analysis-stempel-{version}.zip. [[analysis-stempel-remove]] [float] ==== Removal The plugin can be removed with the following command: [source,sh] ---------------------------------------------------------------- sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove analysis-stempel ---------------------------------------------------------------- The node must be stopped before removing the plugin. [[analysis-stempel-tokenizer]] [float] ==== `stempel` tokenizer and token filter The plugin provides the `polish` analyzer and `polish_stem` token filter, which are not configurable.