= elasticsearch-ruby == Overview There's a suite of official Ruby libraries for Elasticsearch, which provide a client for connecting to Elasticsearch clusters, Ruby interface to the REST API, and more. See the full documentation at http://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby. === Installation Install the Ruby gem with: [source,sh] ------------------------------------ gem install elasticsearch ------------------------------------ or add it do your Gemfile: [source,ruby] ------------------------------------ gem 'elasticsearch' ------------------------------------ === Example Usage [source,ruby] ------------------------------------ require 'elasticsearch' client = Elasticsearch::Client.new log: true client.cluster.health client.index index: 'my-index', type: 'my-document', id: 1, body: { title: 'Test' } client.indices.refresh index: 'my-index' client.search index: 'my-index', body: { query: { match: { title: 'test' } } } ------------------------------------ === Features at a Glance * Pluggable logging and tracing * Plugabble connection selection strategies (round-robin, random, custom) * Pluggable transport implementation, customizable and extendable * Pluggable serializer implementation * Request retries and dead connections handling * Node reloading (based on cluster state) on errors or on demand * Modular API implementation * 100% REST API coverage == Copyright and License This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Elasticsearch BV. This is free software, licensed under The Apache License Version 2.0.