== Monitoring in a production environment

In production, you should send monitoring data to a separate _monitoring cluster_
so that historical data is available even when the nodes you are monitoring are
not. For example, you can use {metricbeat} to ship monitoring data about {kib},
{es}, {ls}, and Beats to the monitoring cluster.
//If you are sending your data to the {esms-init}, see <<esms>>.

If you have at least a gold license, using a dedicated monitoring cluster also 
enables you to monitor multiple clusters from a central location.

To store monitoring data in a separate cluster:

. Set up the {es} cluster you want to use as the monitoring cluster. 
For example, you might set up a two host cluster with the nodes `es-mon-1` and 
* To monitor an {es} {major-version} cluster, you must run {es} {major-version}
on the monitoring cluster.
* There must be at least one <<ingest,ingest node>> in the monitoring
cluster; it does not need to be a dedicated ingest node.

.. (Optional) Verify that the collection of monitoring data is disabled on the 
monitoring cluster. By default, the `xpack.monitoring.collection.enabled` setting 
is `false`. 
For example, you can use the following APIs to review and change this setting:

GET _cluster/settings

PUT _cluster/settings
  "persistent": {
    "xpack.monitoring.collection.enabled": false
// TEST[skip:security errs]

.. If the {es} {security-features} are enabled on the monitoring cluster, create 
users that can send and retrieve monitoring data. 
NOTE: If you plan to use {kib} to view monitoring data, username and password 
credentials must be valid on both the {kib} server and the monitoring cluster. 


*** If you plan to use {metricbeat} to collect data about {es} or {kib}, 
create a user that has the `remote_monitoring_collector` built-in role and a 
user that has the `remote_monitoring_agent` 
{stack-ov}/built-in-roles.html#built-in-roles-remote-monitoring-agent[built-in role]. Alternatively, use the 
`remote_monitoring_user` {stack-ov}/built-in-users.html[built-in user]. 

*** If you plan to use HTTP exporters to route data through your production 
cluster, create a user that has the `remote_monitoring_agent` 
{stack-ov}/built-in-roles.html#built-in-roles-remote-monitoring-agent[built-in role]. 
For example, the 
following request creates a `remote_monitor` user that has the 
`remote_monitoring_agent` role:

POST /_security/user/remote_monitor
  "password" : "changeme",
  "roles" : [ "remote_monitoring_agent"],
  "full_name" : "Internal Agent For Remote Monitoring"
// TEST[skip:needs-gold+-license]

Alternatively, use the `remote_monitoring_user` {stack-ov}/built-in-users.html[built-in user]. 

. Configure your production cluster to collect data and send it to the 
monitoring cluster. 

** <<configuring-metricbeat,Use {metricbeat}>>.

** <<configuring-monitoring,Use HTTP exporters>>.

. (Optional)
{logstash-ref}/configuring-logstash.html[Configure {ls} to collect data and send it to the monitoring cluster].

. (Optional) Configure the Beats to collect data and send it to the monitoring
** {auditbeat-ref}/monitoring.html[Auditbeat]
** {filebeat-ref}/monitoring.html[Filebeat]
** {heartbeat-ref}/monitoring.html[Heartbeat]
** {metricbeat-ref}/monitoring.html[Metricbeat]
** {packetbeat-ref}/monitoring.html[Packetbeat]
** {winlogbeat-ref}/monitoring.html[Winlogbeat] 

. (Optional) Configure {kib} to collect data and send it to the monitoring cluster:

** {kibana-ref}/monitoring-metricbeat.html[Use {metricbeat}].

** {kibana-ref}/monitoring-kibana.html[Use HTTP exporters].

. (Optional) Create a dedicated {kib} instance for monitoring, rather than using 
a single {kib} instance to access both your production cluster and monitoring 

.. (Optional) Disable the collection of monitoring data in this {kib} instance. 
Set the `xpack.monitoring.kibana.collection.enabled` setting to `false` in the 
`kibana.yml` file. For more information about this setting, see 
{kibana-ref}/monitoring-settings-kb.html[Monitoring settings in {kib}]. 

. {kibana-ref}/monitoring-data.html[Configure {kib} to retrieve and display the monitoring data].