[role="xpack"] [testenv="basic"] [[es-monitoring]] = Monitoring {es} [partintro] -- The Elastic {monitor-features} enable you to easily monitor the health of your {es} cluster. The monitoring metrics are collected from each node and stored in {es} indices. TIP: In production environments, it is recommended to store the monitoring data in a separate _monitoring cluster_. See {stack-ov}/monitoring-production.html[Monitoring in a production environment]. Each {es} node is considered unique based on its persistent UUID, which is written on first start to its <> directory, which defaults to `./data`. All settings associated with monitoring in {es} must be set in either the `elasticsearch.yml` file for each node or, where possible, in the dynamic cluster settings. For more information, see <>. [[es-monitoring-overview]] {es} is also at the core of monitoring across the {stack}. In all cases, monitoring documents are just ordinary JSON documents built by monitoring each {stack} component at some collection interval, then indexing those documents into the monitoring cluster. Each component in the stack is responsible for monitoring itself and then forwarding those documents to the {es} production cluster for both routing and indexing (storage). The routing and indexing processes in {es} are handled by what are called <> and <>. beta[] Alternatively, in 6.4 and later, you can use {metricbeat} to collect monitoring data about {kib} and ship it directly to the monitoring cluster, rather than routing it through the production cluster. In 6.5 and later, you can also use {metricbeat} to collect and ship data about {es}. You can view monitoring data from {kib} where it’s easy to spot issues at a glance or delve into the system behavior over time to diagnose operational issues. In addition to the built-in status warnings, you can also set up custom alerts based on the data in the monitoring indices. For an introduction to monitoring your {stack}, including Beats, {ls}, and {kib}, see {stack-ov}/xpack-monitoring.html[Monitoring the {stack}]. -- include::collectors.asciidoc[] include::exporters.asciidoc[] include::pause-export.asciidoc[]