[[analysis-custom-analyzer]] === Custom Analyzer An analyzer of type `custom` that allows to combine a `Tokenizer` with zero or more `Token Filters`, and zero or more `Char Filters`. The custom analyzer accepts a logical/registered name of the tokenizer to use, and a list of logical/registered names of token filters. The following are settings that can be set for a `custom` analyzer type: [cols="<,<",options="header",] |======================================================================= |Setting |Description |`tokenizer` |The logical / registered name of the tokenizer to use. |`filter` |An optional list of logical / registered name of token filters. |`char_filter` |An optional list of logical / registered name of char filters. |`position_offset_gap` |An optional number of positions to increment between each field value of a field using this analyzer. |======================================================================= Here is an example: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- index : analysis : analyzer : myAnalyzer2 : type : custom tokenizer : myTokenizer1 filter : [myTokenFilter1, myTokenFilter2] char_filter : [my_html] position_offset_gap: 256 tokenizer : myTokenizer1 : type : standard max_token_length : 900 filter : myTokenFilter1 : type : stop stopwords : [stop1, stop2, stop3, stop4] myTokenFilter2 : type : length min : 0 max : 2000 char_filter : my_html : type : html_strip escaped_tags : [xxx, yyy] read_ahead : 1024 --------------------------------------------------