/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * The OpenSearch Contributors require contributions made to * this file be licensed under the Apache-2.0 license or a * compatible open source license. */ import javax.annotation.Nullable import org.gradle.api.tasks.PathSensitive; import org.gradle.api.tasks.PathSensitivity; import org.gradle.internal.jvm.Jvm /** * Checks for missing javadocs. */ // Original version of this file is ported from the render-javadoc code in Lucene, // original code under the Apache Software Foundation under Apache 2.0 license // See - https://github.com/apache/lucene-solr/tree/master/gradle/documentation/render-javadoc allprojects { ext { scriptResources = { buildscript -> return file(buildscript.sourceFile.absolutePath.replaceAll('.gradle$', "")) } } } def resources = scriptResources(buildscript) allprojects { plugins.withType(JavaPlugin) { configurations { missingdoclet } dependencies { missingdoclet "org.opensearch:missing-doclet" } ext { relativeDocPath = project.path.replaceFirst(/:\w+:/, "").replace(':', '/') docroot = file("${buildDir}/site") } // TODO: Add missingJavadoc checks to precommit plugin // See https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/issues/221 // Currently the missingJavadoc task fails due to missing documentation // across multiple modules. Once javadocs are added, we can // add this task to precommit plugin. tasks.withType(MissingJavadocTask).configureEach { enabled = true title = "${project.rootProject.name} ${project.name} API" // Set up custom doclet. dependsOn configurations.missingdoclet docletpath = configurations.missingdoclet } tasks.withType(Javadoc).configureEach { dependsOn missingJavadoc } tasks.register('missingJavadoc', MissingJavadocTask) { description "This task validates and generates Javadoc API documentation for the main source code." group "documentation" taskResources = resources dependsOn sourceSets.main.compileClasspath classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath srcDirSet = sourceSets.main.java outputDir = project.javadoc.destinationDir } } } // Below modules are temporarily excluded for missingJavadoc checks. // Currently all these modules fail the check due to missing javadocs. // See https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/issues/221 // When you add javadocs for a module, please ensure the missingJavadoc check // succeeds after removing that module from below list. // You can then remove that module from this exclusion list, // which will enforce javadoc validation on it for every incoming PR. For example, // the client:rest module has javadoc checks enforced as it is not part of below list. // Also different modules might need javadoc validations at different levels, // for instance, for some test modules, we may only want to have javadoc at "package" // level while for others (like server module) we may want to have it at "parameter" level. // Currently everything is configured at parameter level (strictest). configure([ project(":benchmarks"), project(":build-tools"), project(":build-tools:reaper"), project(":client:benchmark"), project(":client:client-benchmark-noop-api-plugin"), project(":client:rest-high-level"), project(":client:test"), project(":distribution:tools:java-version-checker"), project(":distribution:tools:keystore-cli"), project(":distribution:tools:launchers"), project(":distribution:tools:plugin-cli"), project(":doc-tools"), project(":example-plugins:custom-settings"), project(":example-plugins:custom-significance-heuristic"), project(":example-plugins:custom-suggester"), project(":example-plugins:painless-whitelist"), project(":example-plugins:rescore"), project(":example-plugins:rest-handler"), project(":example-plugins:script-expert-scoring"), project(":libs:opensearch-cli"), project(":libs:opensearch-core"), project(":libs:opensearch-dissect"), project(":libs:opensearch-geo"), project(":libs:opensearch-grok"), project(":libs:opensearch-nio"), project(":libs:opensearch-plugin-classloader"), project(":libs:opensearch-secure-sm"), project(":libs:opensearch-ssl-config"), project(":libs:opensearch-x-content"), project(":modules:aggs-matrix-stats"), project(":modules:analysis-common"), project(":modules:geo"), project(":modules:ingest-common"), project(":modules:ingest-geoip"), project(":modules:ingest-user-agent"), project(":modules:lang-expression"), project(":modules:lang-mustache"), project(":modules:lang-painless"), project(":modules:lang-painless:spi"), project(":modules:mapper-extras"), project(":modules:opensearch-dashboards"), project(":modules:parent-join"), project(":modules:percolator"), project(":modules:rank-eval"), project(":modules:reindex"), project(":modules:repository-url"), project(":modules:systemd"), project(":modules:transport-netty4"), project(":plugins:analysis-icu"), project(":plugins:analysis-kuromoji"), project(":plugins:analysis-nori"), project(":plugins:analysis-phonetic"), project(":plugins:analysis-smartcn"), project(":plugins:analysis-stempel"), project(":plugins:analysis-ukrainian"), project(":plugins:discovery-azure-classic"), project(":plugins:discovery-ec2"), project(":plugins:discovery-ec2:qa:amazon-ec2"), project(":plugins:discovery-gce"), project(":plugins:discovery-gce:qa:gce"), project(":plugins:ingest-attachment"), project(":plugins:mapper-annotated-text"), project(":plugins:mapper-murmur3"), project(":plugins:mapper-size"), project(":plugins:repository-azure"), project(":plugins:repository-gcs"), project(":plugins:repository-hdfs"), project(":plugins:repository-s3"), project(":plugins:store-smb"), project(":plugins:transport-nio"), project(":qa:die-with-dignity"), project(":qa:os"), project(":qa:wildfly"), project(":rest-api-spec"), project(":test:external-modules:test-delayed-aggs"), project(":test:fixtures:azure-fixture"), project(":test:fixtures:gcs-fixture"), project(":test:fixtures:hdfs-fixture"), project(":test:fixtures:old-elasticsearch"), project(":test:fixtures:s3-fixture"), project(":test:framework"), project(":test:logger-usage") ]) { project.tasks.withType(MissingJavadocTask) { isExcluded = true } } configure(project(":server")) { project.tasks.withType(MissingJavadocTask) { isExcluded = true // TODO: reenable after fixing missing javadocs javadocMissingLevel = "class" } } class MissingJavadocTask extends DefaultTask { @InputFiles @SkipWhenEmpty @IgnoreEmptyDirectories @PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) SourceDirectorySet srcDirSet; @OutputDirectory File outputDir @CompileClasspath FileCollection classpath @CompileClasspath FileCollection docletpath @Input String title @Input boolean linksource = false @Input boolean relativeProjectLinks = false @Input String javadocMissingLevel = "parameter" @Input boolean isExcluded = false // anything in these packages is checked with level=method. This allows iteratively fixing one package at a time. @Input List javadocMissingMethod = [] // default is not to ignore any elements, should only be used to workaround split packages @Input List javadocMissingIgnore = [] @Nullable @Optional @Input def executable @Input def taskResources /** Utility method to recursively collect all tasks with same name like this one that we depend on */ private Set findRenderTasksInDependencies() { Set found = [] def collectDeps collectDeps = { task -> task.taskDependencies.getDependencies(task).findAll{ it.name == this.name && it.enabled && !found.contains(it) }.each{ found << it collectDeps(it) }} collectDeps(this) return found } @TaskAction void render() { if(isExcluded) { return } def srcDirs = srcDirSet.srcDirs.findAll { dir -> dir.exists() } def optionsFile = project.file("${getTemporaryDir()}/javadoc-options.txt") // create the directory, so relative link calculation knows that it's a directory: outputDir.mkdirs(); def opts = [] opts << [ '-overview', project.file("${srcDirs[0]}/overview.html") ] opts << [ '-sourcepath', srcDirs.join(File.pathSeparator) ] if (project.getGroup().toString().startsWith('org.opensearch')) { opts << [ '-subpackages', 'org.opensearch'] } else { opts << [ '-subpackages', project.getGroup().toString()] } opts << [ '-d', outputDir ] opts << '-protected' opts << [ '-encoding', 'UTF-8' ] opts << [ '-charset', 'UTF-8' ] opts << [ '-docencoding', 'UTF-8' ] opts << '-noindex' opts << '-author' opts << '-version' if (linksource) { opts << '-linksource' } opts << '-use' opts << [ '-locale', 'en_US' ] opts << [ '-windowtitle', title ] opts << [ '-doctitle', title ] if (!classpath.isEmpty()) { opts << [ '-classpath', classpath.asPath ] } opts << [ '-tag', 'opensearch.experimental:a:WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.' ] opts << [ '-tag', 'opensearch.internal:a:NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.' ] opts << [ '-doclet', "org.opensearch.missingdoclet.MissingDoclet" ] opts << [ '-docletpath', docletpath.asPath ] opts << [ '--missing-level', javadocMissingLevel ] if (javadocMissingIgnore) { opts << [ '--missing-ignore', String.join(',', javadocMissingIgnore) ] } if (javadocMissingMethod) { opts << [ '--missing-method', String.join(',', javadocMissingMethod) ] } opts << [ '-quiet' ] opts << [ '--release', 11 ] opts << '-Xdoclint:all,-missing' // Temporary file that holds all javadoc options for the current task. optionsFile.withWriter("UTF-8", { writer -> // escapes an option with single quotes or whitespace to be passed in the options.txt file for def escapeJavadocOption = { String s -> (s =~ /[ '"]/) ? ("'" + s.replaceAll(/[\\'"]/, /\\$0/) + "'") : s } opts.each { entry -> if (entry instanceof List) { writer.write(entry.collect { escapeJavadocOption(it as String) }.join(" ")) } else { writer.write(escapeJavadocOption(entry as String)) } writer.write('\n') } }) def javadocCmd = { if (executable == null) { return Jvm.current().javadocExecutable } else { return project.file(executable) } }() def outputFile = project.file("${getTemporaryDir()}/javadoc-output.txt") def result outputFile.withOutputStream { output -> result = project.exec { executable javadocCmd // we want to capture both stdout and stderr to the same // stream but gradle attempts to close these separately // (it has two independent pumping threads) and it can happen // that one still tries to write something when the other closed // the underlying output stream. def wrapped = new java.io.FilterOutputStream(output) { public void close() { // no-op. we close this stream manually. } } standardOutput = wrapped errorOutput = wrapped args += [ "@${optionsFile}" ] // -J flags can't be passed via options file... (an error "javadoc: error - invalid flag: -J-Xmx512m" occurs.) args += [ "-J-Xmx512m" ] // force locale to be "en_US" (fix for: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8222793) args += [ "-J-Duser.language=en", "-J-Duser.country=US" ] ignoreExitValue true } } if (result.getExitValue() != 0) { // Pipe the output to console. Intentionally skips any encoding conversion // and pumps raw bytes. System.out.write(outputFile.bytes) def cause try { result.rethrowFailure() } catch (ex) { cause = ex } throw new GradleException("Javadoc generation failed for ${project.path},\n Options file at: ${optionsFile}\n Command output at: ${outputFile}", cause) } } }