== Aggregations

Elasticsearch provides a full Java API to play with aggregations. See the
{ref}/search-aggregations.html[Aggregations guide].

Use the factory for aggregation builders (`AggregationBuilders`) and add each aggregation
you want to compute when querying and add it to your search request:

SearchResponse sr = node.client().prepareSearch()
        .setQuery( /* your query */ )
        .addAggregation( /* add an aggregation */ )

Note that you can add more than one aggregation. See
{ref}/search-search.html[Search Java API] for details.

To build aggregation requests, use `AggregationBuilders` helpers. Just import them
in your class:

import org.elasticsearch.search.aggregations.AggregationBuilders;

=== Structuring aggregations

As explained in the
{ref}/search-aggregations.html[Aggregations guide], you can define
sub aggregations inside an aggregation.

An aggregation could be a metrics aggregation or a bucket aggregation.

For example, here is a 3 levels aggregation composed of:

* Terms aggregation (bucket)
* Date Histogram aggregation (bucket)
* Average aggregation (metric)

SearchResponse sr = node.client().prepareSearch()

=== Metrics aggregations


=== Bucket aggregations
