[role="xpack"] [[sql-translate]] == SQL Translate API The SQL Translate API accepts SQL in a JSON document and translates it into native Elasticsearch queries. For example: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- POST /_xpack/sql/translate { "query": "SELECT * FROM library ORDER BY page_count DESC", "fetch_size": 10 } -------------------------------------------------- // CONSOLE // TEST[setup:library] Which returns: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "size" : 10, "docvalue_fields" : [ { "field": "page_count", "format": "use_field_mapping" }, { "field": "release_date", "format": "epoch_millis" } ], "_source": { "includes": [ "author", "name" ], "excludes": [] }, "sort" : [ { "page_count" : { "order" : "desc" } } ] } -------------------------------------------------- // TESTRESPONSE Which is the request that SQL will run to provide the results. In this case, SQL will use the <> API. If the result contained an aggregation then SQL would use the normal <> API. The request body accepts all of the <> that the <> accepts except `cursor`. [[sql-translate-permissions]] [NOTE] =============================== If you are using Security you need to add a few permissions to users so they can run translate SQL. To translate SQL a user needs `read` and `indices:admin/get`. The following example configures a role that can run SQL against the `test` and `bort` indices: ["source","yaml",subs="attributes,callouts,macros"] -------------------------------------------------- include-tagged::{sql-tests}/security/roles.yml[rest] -------------------------------------------------- ===============================