-- :api: put-privileges :request: PutPrivilegesRequest :response: PutPrivilegesResponse -- [id="{upid}-{api}"] === Put Privileges API Application privileges can be created or updated using this API. [id="{upid}-{api}-request"] ==== Put Privileges Request A +{request}+ contains list of application privileges that need to be created or updated. Each application privilege consists of an application name, application privilege, set of actions and optional metadata. ["source","java",subs="attributes,callouts,macros"] -------------------------------------------------- include-tagged::{doc-tests-file}[{api}-request] -------------------------------------------------- include::../execution.asciidoc[] [id="{upid}-{api}-response"] ==== Put Privileges Response The returned +{response}+ contains the information about the status for each privilege present in the +{request}+. The status would be `true` if the privilege was created, `false` if the privilege was updated. ["source","java",subs="attributes,callouts,macros"] -------------------------------------------------- include-tagged::{doc-tests-file}[{api}-response] -------------------------------------------------- <1> The response contains the status for given application name and privilege name. The status would be `true` if the privilege was created, `false` if the privilege was updated.