[[ml-get-category]] ==== Get Categories The get categories API allows you to retrieve information about the categories in the results for a job. ===== Request `GET _xpack/ml/anomaly_detectors//results/categories` + `GET _xpack/ml/anomaly_detectors//results/categories/` //// ===== Description OUTDATED?: The get job API can also be applied to all jobs by using `_all` as the job name. //// ===== Path Parameters `job_id`:: (+string+) Identifier for the job. `category_id`:: (+string+) Identifier for the category. If you do not specify this optional parameter, the API returns information about all categories that you have authority to view. //// ===== Results The API returns information about the job resource. For more information, see <>. ===== Query Parameters `_stats`:: (+boolean+; default: ++true++) If true (default false), will just validate the cluster definition but will not perform the creation ===== Responses 200 (EmptyResponse) The cluster has been successfully deleted 404 (BasicFailedReply) The cluster specified by {cluster_id} cannot be found (code: clusters.cluster_not_found) 412 (BasicFailedReply) The Elasticsearch cluster has not been shutdown yet (code: clusters.cluster_plan_state_error) ===== Examples .Example results for a single job ---- { "count": 1, "jobs": [ { "job_id": "it-ops-kpi", "description": "First simple job", "create_time": 1491007356077, "finished_time": 1491007365347, "analysis_config": { "bucket_span": "5m", "latency": "0ms", "summary_count_field_name": "doc_count", "detectors": [ { "detector_description": "low_sum(events_per_min)", "function": "low_sum", "field_name": "events_per_min", "detector_rules": [] } ], "influencers": [], "use_per_partition_normalization": false }, "data_description": { "time_field": "@timestamp", "time_format": "epoch_ms" }, "model_plot_config": { "enabled": true }, "model_snapshot_retention_days": 1, "model_snapshot_id": "1491007364", "results_index_name": "shared" } ] } ---- ////