[role="xpack"] [testenv="platinum"] [[ccr-get-follow-stats]] === Get follower stats API ++++ Get follower stats ++++ Get follower stats. [[ccr-get-follow-stats-request]] ==== {api-request-title} ////////////////////////// [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- PUT /follower_index/_ccr/follow?wait_for_active_shards=1 { "remote_cluster" : "remote_cluster", "leader_index" : "leader_index" } -------------------------------------------------- // TESTSETUP // TEST[setup:remote_cluster_and_leader_index] [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- POST /follower_index/_ccr/pause_follow -------------------------------------------------- // TEARDOWN ////////////////////////// [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- GET //_ccr/stats -------------------------------------------------- // TEST[s//follower_index/] [[ccr-get-follow-stats-prereqs]] ==== {api-prereq-title} * If the {es} {security-features} are enabled, you must have `monitor` cluster privileges on the cluster that contains the follower index. For more information, see <>. [[ccr-get-follow-stats-desc]] ==== {api-description-title} This API gets follower stats. This API will return shard-level stats about the following tasks associated with each shard for the specified indices. [[ccr-get-follow-stats-path-parms]] ==== {api-path-parms-title} ``:: (Required, string) A comma-delimited list of index patterns. [role="child_attributes"] [[ccr-get-follow-stats-response-body]] ==== {api-response-body-title} //Begin indices `indices`:: (array) An array of follower index statistics. + .Properties of `indices` [%collapsible%open] ==== `fatal_exception`:: (object) An object representing a fatal exception that cancelled the following task. In this situation, the following task must be resumed manually with the <>. `index`:: (string) The name of the follower index. //Begin shards `shards`:: (array) An array of shard-level following task statistics. + .Properties of objects in `shards` [%collapsible%open] ===== `bytes_read`:: (long) The total of transferred bytes read from the leader. + -- NOTE: This is only an estimate and does not account for compression if enabled. -- `failed_read_requests`:: (long) The number of failed reads. failed_write_requests`:: (long) The number of failed bulk write requests executed on the follower. `follower_aliases_version`:: (long) The index aliases version the follower is synced up to. `follower_global_checkpoint`:: (long) The current global checkpoint on the follower. The difference between the `leader_global_checkpoint` and the `follower_global_checkpoint` is an indication of how much the follower is lagging the leader. `follower_index`:: (string) The name of the follower index. `follower_mapping_version`:: (long) The mapping version the follower is synced up to. `follower_max_seq_no`:: (long) The current maximum sequence number on the follower. `follower_settings_version`:: (long) The index settings version the follower is synced up to. `last_requested_seq_no`:: (long) The starting sequence number of the last batch of operations requested from the leader. `leader_global_checkpoint`:: (long) The current global checkpoint on the leader known to the follower task. `leader_index`:: (string) The name of the index in the leader cluster being followed. `leader_max_seq_no`:: (long) The current maximum sequence number on the leader known to the follower task. `operations_read`:: (long) The total number of operations read from the leader. operations_written`:: (long) The number of operations written on the follower. `outstanding_read_requests`:: (integer) The number of active read requests from the follower. `outstanding_write_requests`:: (integer) The number of active bulk write requests on the follower. //Begin read_exceptions `read_exceptions`:: (array) An array of objects representing failed reads. + .Properties of objects in `read_exceptions` [%collapsible%open] ====== `exception`:: (object) Represents the exception that caused the read to fail. `from_seq_no`:: (long) The starting sequence number of the batch requested from the leader. `retries`:: (integer) The number of times the batch has been retried. ====== //End read_exceptions `remote_cluster`:: (string) The <> containing the leader index. `shard_id`:: (integer) The numerical shard ID, with values from 0 to one less than the number of replicas. `successful_read_requests`:: (long) The number of successful fetches. `successful_write_requests`:: (long) The number of bulk write requests executed on the follower. `time_since_last_read_millis`:: (long) The number of milliseconds since a read request was sent to the leader. + NOTE: When the follower is caught up to the leader, this number will increase up to the configured `read_poll_timeout` at which point another read request will be sent to the leader. `total_read_remote_exec_time_millis`:: (long) The total time reads spent executing on the remote cluster. `total_read_time_millis`:: (long) The total time reads were outstanding, measured from the time a read was sent to the leader to the time a reply was returned to the follower. `total_write_time_millis`:: (long) The total time spent writing on the follower. `write_buffer_operation_count`:: (integer) The number of write operations queued on the follower. write_buffer_size_in_bytes`:: (long) The total number of bytes of operations currently queued for writing. ===== //End shards ==== //End indices [[ccr-get-follow-stats-examples]] ==== {api-examples-title} This example retrieves follower stats: [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- GET /follower_index/_ccr/stats -------------------------------------------------- The API returns the following results: [source,console-result] -------------------------------------------------- { "indices" : [ { "index" : "follower_index", "shards" : [ { "remote_cluster" : "remote_cluster", "leader_index" : "leader_index", "follower_index" : "follower_index", "shard_id" : 0, "leader_global_checkpoint" : 1024, "leader_max_seq_no" : 1536, "follower_global_checkpoint" : 768, "follower_max_seq_no" : 896, "last_requested_seq_no" : 897, "outstanding_read_requests" : 8, "outstanding_write_requests" : 2, "write_buffer_operation_count" : 64, "follower_mapping_version" : 4, "follower_settings_version" : 2, "follower_aliases_version" : 8, "total_read_time_millis" : 32768, "total_read_remote_exec_time_millis" : 16384, "successful_read_requests" : 32, "failed_read_requests" : 0, "operations_read" : 896, "bytes_read" : 32768, "total_write_time_millis" : 16384, "write_buffer_size_in_bytes" : 1536, "successful_write_requests" : 16, "failed_write_requests" : 0, "operations_written" : 832, "read_exceptions" : [ ], "time_since_last_read_millis" : 8 } ] } ] } -------------------------------------------------- // TESTRESPONSE[s/"leader_global_checkpoint" : 1024/"leader_global_checkpoint" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.leader_global_checkpoint/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"leader_max_seq_no" : 1536/"leader_max_seq_no" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.leader_max_seq_no/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"follower_global_checkpoint" : 768/"follower_global_checkpoint" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.follower_global_checkpoint/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"follower_max_seq_no" : 896/"follower_max_seq_no" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.follower_max_seq_no/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"last_requested_seq_no" : 897/"last_requested_seq_no" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.last_requested_seq_no/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"outstanding_read_requests" : 8/"outstanding_read_requests" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.outstanding_read_requests/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"outstanding_write_requests" : 2/"outstanding_write_requests" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.outstanding_write_requests/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"write_buffer_operation_count" : 64/"write_buffer_operation_count" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.write_buffer_operation_count/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"follower_mapping_version" : 4/"follower_mapping_version" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.follower_mapping_version/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"follower_settings_version" : 2/"follower_settings_version" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.follower_settings_version/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"follower_aliases_version" : 8/"follower_aliases_version" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.follower_aliases_version/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"total_read_time_millis" : 32768/"total_read_time_millis" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.total_read_time_millis/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"total_read_remote_exec_time_millis" : 16384/"total_read_remote_exec_time_millis" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.total_read_remote_exec_time_millis/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"successful_read_requests" : 32/"successful_read_requests" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.successful_read_requests/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"failed_read_requests" : 0/"failed_read_requests" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.failed_read_requests/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"operations_read" : 896/"operations_read" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.operations_read/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"bytes_read" : 32768/"bytes_read" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.bytes_read/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"total_write_time_millis" : 16384/"total_write_time_millis" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.total_write_time_millis/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"write_buffer_size_in_bytes" : 1536/"write_buffer_size_in_bytes" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.write_buffer_size_in_bytes/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"successful_write_requests" : 16/"successful_write_requests" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.successful_write_requests/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"failed_write_requests" : 0/"failed_write_requests" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.failed_write_requests/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"operations_written" : 832/"operations_written" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.operations_written/] // TESTRESPONSE[s/"time_since_last_read_millis" : 8/"time_since_last_read_millis" : $body.indices.0.shards.0.time_since_last_read_millis/]