[role="xpack"] [[security-api-get-api-key]] === Get API Key information API ++++ Get API key information ++++ Retrieves information for one or more API keys. ==== Request `GET /_security/api_key` ==== Description The information for the API keys created by <> can be retrieved using this API. ==== Request Body The following parameters can be specified in the query parameters of a GET request and pertain to retrieving api keys: `id` (optional):: (string) An API key id. This parameter cannot be used with any of `name`, `realm_name` or `username` are used. `name` (optional):: (string) An API key name. This parameter cannot be used with any of `id`, `realm_name` or `username` are used. `realm_name` (optional):: (string) The name of an authentication realm. This parameter cannot be used with either `id` or `name`. `username` (optional):: (string) The username of a user. This parameter cannot be used with either `id` or `name`. NOTE: While all parameters are optional, at least one of them is required. ==== Examples The following example to retrieve the API key identified by specified `id`: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- GET /_security/api_key?id=dGhpcyBpcyBub3QgYSByZWFsIHRva2VuIGJ1dCBpdCBpcyBvbmx5IHRlc3QgZGF0YS4gZG8gbm90IHRyeSB0byByZWFkIHRva2VuIQ== -------------------------------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE whereas the following example to retrieve the API key identified by specified `name`: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- GET /_security/api_key?name=hadoop_myuser_key -------------------------------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE The following example retrieves all API keys for the `native1` realm: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- GET /_security/api_key?realm_name=native1 -------------------------------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE The following example retrieves all API keys for the user `myuser` in all realms: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- GET /_security/api_key?username=myuser -------------------------------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE Finally, the following example retrieves all API keys for the user `myuser` in the `native1` realm immediately: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- GET /_security/api_key?username=myuser&realm_name=native1 -------------------------------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE A successful call returns a JSON structure that contains the information of one or more API keys that were retrieved. [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "api_keys": [ <1> { "id": "dGhpcyBpcyBub3QgYSByZWFsIHRva2VuIGJ1dCBpdCBpcyBvbmx5IHRlc3QgZGF0YS4gZG8gbm90IHRyeSB0byByZWFkIHRva2VuIQ==", <2> "name": "hadoop_myuser_key", <3> "creation": 1548550550158, <4> "expiration": 1548551550158, <5> "invalidated": false, <6> "username": "myuser", <7> "realm": "native1" <8> }, { "id": "api-key-id-2", "name": "api-key-name-2", "creation": 1548550550158, "invalidated": false, "username": "user-y", "realm": "realm-2" } ] } -------------------------------------------------- // NOTCONSOLE <1> The list of API keys that were retrieved for this request. <2> Id for the API key <3> Name of the API key <4> Creation time for the API key in milliseconds <5> optional expiration time for the API key in milliseconds <6> invalidation status for the API key, `true` if the key has been invalidated else `false` <7> principal for which this API key was created <8> realm name of the principal for which this API key was created