[[api-java-stats]] ==== Stats API The Watcher `stats` API returns information on the aspects of Watcher on your cluster. The following example queries the `stats` API : [source,java] -------------------------------------------------- WatcherStatsResponse watcherStatsResponse = watcherClient.prepareWatcherStats().get(); -------------------------------------------------- A successful call returns a response structure that can be accessed as shown: [source,java] -------------------------------------------------- WatcherBuild build = watcherStatsResponse.getBuild(); // The Version of watcher currently running WatcherVersion version = watcherStatsResponse.getVersion(); // The current size of the watcher execution queue long executionQueueSize = watcherStatsResponse.getExecutionQueueSize(); // The maximum size the watch execution queue has grown to long executionQueueMaxSize = watcherStatsResponse.getWatchExecutionQueueMaxSize(); // The total number of watches registered in the system long totalNumberOfWatches = watcherStatsResponse.getWatchesCount(); // Watcher state (STARTING,STOPPED or STARTED) WatcherState watcherState = watcherStatsResponse.getWatcherState(); --------------------------------------------------