[role="xpack"] [testenv="platinum"] [[ml-get-record]] = Get records API ++++ Get records ++++ Retrieves anomaly records for an {anomaly-job}. [[ml-get-record-request]] == {api-request-title} `GET _ml/anomaly_detectors//results/records` [[ml-get-record-prereqs]] == {api-prereq-title} * If the {es} {security-features} are enabled, you must have `monitor_ml`, `monitor`, `manage_ml`, or `manage` cluster privileges to use this API. You also need `read` index privilege on the index that stores the results. The `machine_learning_admin` and `machine_learning_user` roles provide these privileges. See <>, <>, and {ml-docs-setup-privileges}. [[ml-get-record-desc]] == {api-description-title} Records contain the detailed analytical results. They describe the anomalous activity that has been identified in the input data based on the detector configuration. There can be many anomaly records depending on the characteristics and size of the input data. In practice, there are often too many to be able to manually process them. The {ml-features} therefore perform a sophisticated aggregation of the anomaly records into buckets. The number of record results depends on the number of anomalies found in each bucket, which relates to the number of time series being modeled and the number of detectors. [[ml-get-record-path-parms]] == {api-path-parms-title} ``:: (Required, string) include::{es-repo-dir}/ml/ml-shared.asciidoc[tag=job-id-anomaly-detection] [[ml-get-record-request-body]] == {api-request-body-title} `desc`:: (Optional, Boolean) include::{es-repo-dir}/ml/ml-shared.asciidoc[tag=desc-results] `end`:: (Optional, string) Returns records with timestamps earlier than this time. `exclude_interim`:: (Optional, Boolean) include::{es-repo-dir}/ml/ml-shared.asciidoc[tag=exclude-interim-results] `page`.`from`:: (Optional, integer) Skips the specified number of records. `page`.`size`:: (Optional, integer) Specifies the maximum number of records to obtain. `record_score`:: (Optional, double) Returns records with anomaly scores greater or equal than this value. `sort`:: (Optional, string) Specifies the sort field for the requested records. By default, the records are sorted by the `anomaly_score` value. `start`:: (Optional, string) Returns records with timestamps after this time. [[ml-get-record-results]] == {api-response-body-title} The API returns an array of record objects, which have the following properties: `actual`:: (array) The actual value for the bucket. `bucket_span`:: (number) include::{es-repo-dir}/ml/ml-shared.asciidoc[tag=bucket-span-results] `by_field_name`:: (string) include::{es-repo-dir}/ml/ml-shared.asciidoc[tag=by-field-name] `by_field_value`:: (string) The value of the by field. `causes`:: (array) For population analysis, an over field must be specified in the detector. This property contains an array of anomaly records that are the causes for the anomaly that has been identified for the over field. If no over fields exist, this field is not present. This sub-resource contains the most anomalous records for the `over_field_name`. For scalability reasons, a maximum of the 10 most significant causes of the anomaly are returned. As part of the core analytical modeling, these low-level anomaly records are aggregated for their parent over field record. The causes resource contains similar elements to the record resource, namely `actual`, `typical`, `geo_results.actual_point`, `geo_results.typical_point`, `*_field_name` and `*_field_value`. Probability and scores are not applicable to causes. `detector_index`:: (number) include::{es-repo-dir}/ml/ml-shared.asciidoc[tag=detector-index] `field_name`:: (string) Certain functions require a field to operate on, for example, `sum()`. For those functions, this value is the name of the field to be analyzed. `function`:: (string) The function in which the anomaly occurs, as specified in the detector configuration. For example, `max`. `function_description`:: (string) The description of the function in which the anomaly occurs, as specified in the detector configuration. `geo_results.actual_point`:: (string) The actual value for the bucket formatted as a `geo_point`. If the detector function is `lat_long`, this is a comma delimited string of the latitude and longitude. `geo_results.typical_point`:: (string) The typical value for the bucket formatted as a `geo_point`. If the detector function is `lat_long`, this is a comma delimited string of the latitude and longitude. `influencers`:: (array) If `influencers` was specified in the detector configuration, this array contains influencers that contributed to or were to blame for an anomaly. `initial_record_score`:: (number) A normalized score between 0-100, which is based on the probability of the anomalousness of this record. This is the initial value that was calculated at the time the bucket was processed. `is_interim`:: (Boolean) include::{es-repo-dir}/ml/ml-shared.asciidoc[tag=is-interim] `job_id`:: (string) include::{es-repo-dir}/ml/ml-shared.asciidoc[tag=job-id-anomaly-detection] `over_field_name`:: (string) include::{es-repo-dir}/ml/ml-shared.asciidoc[tag=over-field-name] `over_field_value`:: (string) The value of the over field. `partition_field_name`:: (string) include::{es-repo-dir}/ml/ml-shared.asciidoc[tag=partition-field-name] `partition_field_value`:: (string) The value of the partition field. `probability`:: (number) The probability of the individual anomaly occurring, in the range `0` to `1`. This value can be held to a high precision of over 300 decimal places, so the `record_score` is provided as a human-readable and friendly interpretation of this. `multi_bucket_impact`:: (number) an indication of how strongly an anomaly is multi bucket or single bucket. The value is on a scale of `-5.0` to `+5.0` where `-5.0` means the anomaly is purely single bucket and `+5.0` means the anomaly is purely multi bucket. `record_score`:: (number) A normalized score between 0-100, which is based on the probability of the anomalousness of this record. Unlike `initial_record_score`, this value will be updated by a re-normalization process as new data is analyzed. `result_type`:: (string) Internal. This is always set to `record`. `timestamp`:: (date) include::{es-repo-dir}/ml/ml-shared.asciidoc[tag=timestamp-results] `typical`:: (array) The typical value for the bucket, according to analytical modeling. NOTE: Additional record properties are added, depending on the fields being analyzed. For example, if it's analyzing `hostname` as a _by field_, then a field `hostname` is added to the result document. This information enables you to filter the anomaly results more easily. [[ml-get-record-example]] == {api-examples-title} [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- GET _ml/anomaly_detectors/low_request_rate/results/records { "sort": "record_score", "desc": true, "start": "1454944100000" } -------------------------------------------------- // TEST[skip:Kibana sample data] In this example, the API returns twelve results for the specified time constraints: [source,js] ---- { "count" : 4, "records" : [ { "job_id" : "low_request_rate", "result_type" : "record", "probability" : 1.3882308899968812E-4, "multi_bucket_impact" : -5.0, "record_score" : 94.98554565630553, "initial_record_score" : 94.98554565630553, "bucket_span" : 3600, "detector_index" : 0, "is_interim" : false, "timestamp" : 1577793600000, "function" : "low_count", "function_description" : "count", "typical" : [ 28.254208230188834 ], "actual" : [ 0.0 ] }, ... ] } ----