[role="xpack"] [testenv="platinum"] [[explain-dfanalytics]] = Explain {dfanalytics} API [subs="attributes"] ++++ Explain {dfanalytics} ++++ Explains a {dataframe-analytics-config}. experimental[] [[ml-explain-dfanalytics-request]] == {api-request-title} `GET _ml/data_frame/analytics/_explain` + `POST _ml/data_frame/analytics/_explain` + `GET _ml/data_frame/analytics//_explain` + `POST _ml/data_frame/analytics//_explain` [[ml-explain-dfanalytics-prereq]] == {api-prereq-title} If the {es} {security-features} are enabled, you must have the following privileges: * cluster: `monitor_ml` For more information, see <> and {ml-docs-setup-privileges}. [[ml-explain-dfanalytics-desc]] == {api-description-title} This API provides explanations for a {dataframe-analytics-config} that either exists already or one that has not been created yet. The following explanations are provided: * which fields are included or not in the analysis and why, * how much memory is estimated to be required. The estimate can be used when deciding the appropriate value for `model_memory_limit` setting later on. If you have object fields or fields that are excluded via source filtering, they are not included in the explanation. [[ml-explain-dfanalytics-path-params]] == {api-path-parms-title} ``:: (Optional, string) include::{es-repo-dir}/ml/ml-shared.asciidoc[tag=job-id-data-frame-analytics] [[ml-explain-dfanalytics-request-body]] == {api-request-body-title} A {dataframe-analytics-config} as described in <>. Note that `id` and `dest` don't need to be provided in the context of this API. [role="child_attributes"] [[ml-explain-dfanalytics-results]] == {api-response-body-title} The API returns a response that contains the following: `field_selection`:: (array) An array of objects that explain selection for each field, sorted by the field names. + .Properties of `field_selection` objects [%collapsible%open] ==== `is_included`::: (Boolean) Whether the field is selected to be included in the analysis. `is_required`::: (Boolean) Whether the field is required. `feature_type`::: (string) The feature type of this field for the analysis. May be `categorical` or `numerical`. `mapping_types`::: (string) The mapping types of the field. `name`::: (string) The field name. `reason`::: (string) The reason a field is not selected to be included in the analysis. ==== `memory_estimation`:: (object) An object containing the memory estimates. + .Properties of `memory_estimation` [%collapsible%open] ==== `expected_memory_with_disk`::: (string) Estimated memory usage under the assumption that overflowing to disk is allowed during {dfanalytics}. `expected_memory_with_disk` is usually smaller than `expected_memory_without_disk` as using disk allows to limit the main memory needed to perform {dfanalytics}. `expected_memory_without_disk`::: (string) Estimated memory usage under the assumption that the whole {dfanalytics} should happen in memory (i.e. without overflowing to disk). ==== [[ml-explain-dfanalytics-example]] == {api-examples-title} [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- POST _ml/data_frame/analytics/_explain { "source": { "index": "houses_sold_last_10_yrs" }, "analysis": { "regression": { "dependent_variable": "price" } } } -------------------------------------------------- // TEST[skip:TBD] The API returns the following results: [source,console-result] ---- { "field_selection": [ { "field": "number_of_bedrooms", "mappings_types": ["integer"], "is_included": true, "is_required": false, "feature_type": "numerical" }, { "field": "postcode", "mappings_types": ["text"], "is_included": false, "is_required": false, "reason": "[postcode.keyword] is preferred because it is aggregatable" }, { "field": "postcode.keyword", "mappings_types": ["keyword"], "is_included": true, "is_required": false, "feature_type": "categorical" }, { "field": "price", "mappings_types": ["float"], "is_included": true, "is_required": true, "feature_type": "numerical" } ], "memory_estimation": { "expected_memory_without_disk": "128MB", "expected_memory_with_disk": "32MB" } } ----