[[discovery]] == Discovery Plugins Discovery plugins extend Elasticsearch by adding new seed hosts providers that can be used to extend the {ref}/modules-discovery.html[cluster formation module]. [float] ==== Core discovery plugins The core discovery plugins are: <>:: The EC2 discovery plugin uses the https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-java[AWS API] to identify the addresses of seed hosts. <>:: The Azure Classic discovery plugin uses the Azure Classic API to identify the addresses of seed hosts. <>:: The Google Compute Engine discovery plugin uses the GCE API to identify the addresses of seed hosts. [float] ==== Community contributed discovery plugins The following discovery plugins have been contributed by our community: * https://github.com/fabric8io/elasticsearch-cloud-kubernetes[Kubernetes Discovery Plugin] (by Jimmi Dyson, http://fabric8.io[fabric8]) include::discovery-ec2.asciidoc[] include::discovery-azure-classic.asciidoc[] include::discovery-gce.asciidoc[]