[[setup-service]] == Running As a Service It should be simple to wrap the `elasticsearch` script in an `init.d` or the like. But, elasticsearch also supports running it using the https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-servicewrapper[Java Service Wrapper]. ElasticSearch can be run as a service using the `elasticsearch` script located under `bin/service` location. The repo for it is located http://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-servicewrapper[here]. The script accepts a single parameter with the following values: [horizontal] `console`:: Run the elasticsearch in the foreground. `start`:: Run elasticsearch in the background. `stop`:: Stops elasticsearch if its running. `install`:: Install elasticsearch to run on system startup (init.d / service). `remove`:: Removes elasticsearch from system startup (init.d / service). The service uses Java Service Wrapper which is a small native wrapper around the Java virtual machine which also monitors it. Note, passing JVM level configuration (such as -X parameters) should be set within the `elasticsearch.conf` file. The `ES_MIN_MEM` and `ES_MAX_MEM` environment variables to set the minimum and maximum memory allocation for the JVM (set in mega bytes). It defaults to `256` and `1024` respectively.