#springMessageText("idp.unlock-keys.error", "Unlock failed; check log for specific message.")
#end #end
## ## Velocity Template for Attended Startup Unlock Utility ## ## Velocity context will contain the following properties: ## flowRequestContext - the Spring Web Flow RequestContext ## request - HttpServletRequest ## response - HttpServletResponse ## profileRequestContext ## environment - Spring Environment object for property resolution ## custom - arbitrary object injected by deployer ## #set ($title = $springMacroRequestContext.getMessage("idp.title", "Web Login Service")) #set ($titleSuffix = $springMacroRequestContext.getMessage("idp.unlock-keys.title", "Attended Restart Key Unlock")) #set ($eventId = $profileRequestContext.getSubcontext("org.opensaml.profile.context.EventContext").getEvent()) #set ($state = $flowRequestContext.getCurrentState().getId())
#springMessageText("idp.unlock-keys.error", "Unlock failed; check log for specific message.")