## ## Velocity Template for DisplayAttributeReleasePage view-state ## ## Velocity context will contain the following properties : ## ## attributeReleaseContext - context holding consentable attributes ## attributeReleaseFlowDescriptor - attribute consent flow descriptor ## attributeDisplayNameFunction - function to display attribute name ## attributeDisplayDescriptionFunction - function to display attribute description ## consentContext - context representing the state of a consent flow ## encoder - HTMLEncoder class ## flowExecutionKey - SWF execution key (this is built into the flowExecutionUrl) ## flowExecutionUrl - form action location ## flowRequestContext - Spring Web Flow RequestContext ## profileRequestContext - OpenSAML profile request context ## request - HttpServletRequest ## response - HttpServletResponse ## rpUIContext - context with SP UI information from the metadata ## environment - Spring Environment object for property resolution #set ($serviceName = $rpUIContext.serviceName) #set ($serviceDescription = $rpUIContext.serviceDescription) #set ($informationURL = $rpUIContext.informationURL) #set ($privacyStatementURL = $rpUIContext.privacyStatementURL) #set ($rpOrganizationLogo = $rpUIContext.getLogo()) #set ($rpOrganizationName = $rpUIContext.organizationName) #set ($replaceDollarWithNewline = true) ##