[role="xpack"] [[ml-configuring]] == Configuring machine learning If you want to use {xpackml} features, there must be at least one {ml} node in your cluster and all master-eligible nodes must have {ml} enabled. By default, all nodes are {ml} nodes. For more information about these settings, see {ref}/modules-node.html#modules-node-xpack[{ml} nodes]. To use the {xpackml} features to analyze your data, you must create a job and send your data to that job. * If your data is stored in {es}: ** You can create a {dfeed}, which retrieves data from {es} for analysis. ** You can use {kib} to expedite the creation of jobs and {dfeeds}. * If your data is not stored in {es}, you can {ref}/ml-post-data.html[POST data] from any source directly to an API. The results of {ml} analysis are stored in {es} and you can use {kib} to help you visualize and explore the results. For a tutorial that walks you through these configuration steps, see <>. Though it is quite simple to analyze your data and provide quick {ml} results, gaining deep insights might require some additional planning and configuration. The scenarios in this section describe some best practices for generating useful {ml} results and insights from your data. * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> :edit_url: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/edit/{branch}/docs/reference/ml/customurl.asciidoc include::customurl.asciidoc[] :edit_url: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/edit/{branch}/docs/reference/ml/aggregations.asciidoc include::aggregations.asciidoc[] :edit_url: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/edit/{branch}/docs/reference/ml/detector-custom-rules.asciidoc include::detector-custom-rules.asciidoc[] :edit_url: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/edit/{branch}/docs/reference/ml/categories.asciidoc include::categories.asciidoc[] :edit_url: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/edit/{branch}/docs/reference/ml/populations.asciidoc include::populations.asciidoc[] :edit_url: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/edit/{branch}/docs/reference/ml/transforms.asciidoc include::transforms.asciidoc[] :edit_url: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/edit/{branch}/docs/reference/ml/delayed-data-detection.asciidoc include::delayed-data-detection.asciidoc[]