[[query-dsl-span-field-masking-query]] === Span field masking query ++++ <titleabbrev>Span field masking</titleabbrev> ++++ Wrapper to allow span queries to participate in composite single-field span queries by 'lying' about their search field. The span field masking query maps to Lucene's `SpanFieldMaskingQuery` This can be used to support queries like `span-near` or `span-or` across different fields, which is not ordinarily permitted. Span field masking query is invaluable in conjunction with *multi-fields* when same content is indexed with multiple analyzers. For instance we could index a field with the standard analyzer which breaks text up into words, and again with the english analyzer which stems words into their root form. Example: [source,console] -------------------------------------------------- GET /_search { "query": { "span_near": { "clauses": [ { "span_term": { "text": "quick brown" } }, { "field_masking_span": { "query": { "span_term": { "text.stems": "fox" } }, "field": "text" } } ], "slop": 5, "in_order": false } } } -------------------------------------------------- Note: as span field masking query returns the masked field, scoring will be done using the norms of the field name supplied. This may lead to unexpected scoring behaviour.